ColorSys 可以使用多种不同的拾取器来拾取颜色,但拾取颜色时每次只能使用一种类型。
转至 ColourSys 菜单 > 设置... > 颜色选择器,然后从以下选项中选择您选择的颜色选择器。
AVA 多视图选择器
此选择器是我们在 AVA 中选择颜色的推荐方法,因为它将预览颜色限制为打印机、显示器或两者的色域。您还可以将显示的色域限制为 ICC 配置文件。这是将可见色域限制为最终生产色域的理想方法。
转至 Coloursys 菜单 > 设置 > 颜色选择器,将其设置为您的首选选择器。单击 AVA 多视图选取器。现在,此选项旁边将显示一个勾号,这将是当 Option 单击 AVA 中的任何颜色块或在 Coloursys 中选择“颜色菜单”>“选取”时打开的选取器。
输入 Lab 和 Lch 值
Lab 和 Lch 颜色可以直接输入选择器,并且可以使用每个值旁边的小微移箭头进行微调。
如果您想在此窗口中进行微小的颜色调整,请在色域周围拖动颜色选择器时按住 option 键。窗口底部有一个提示提醒您这一点。
选择您想要查看的色域。这可以是您的显示器或打印机配置文件(在AVA CMS 控制器中设置),也可以是您作品中的 ICC 配置文件的色域。
在上面的快照中,打印机和 ICC 配置文件选项均已勾选。这意味着色彩空间现在仅限于数字打印机和生产(无论是在模拟打印机还是不同的数字打印机上)可实现的颜色。如果仅勾选 ICC 配置文件选项,则可以很容易地选择生产色域内但数字打印机色域外的颜色。如果您尝试将数字样本打印与生产相匹配(无论是在模拟打印机还是不同的数字打印机上),这可能会导致问题。
设置色域的 Delta E (dE)
选择器窗口中的 dE 滑块决定显示色域的精度。如果将此值设置为 0.1,则仅显示从配置文件测量的色卡,并添加非常小的容差。色域中的任何空洞都将代表色域中尚未进行测量的区域,我们复杂的算法将用于计算在这些空白区域中选择的任何颜色。
可以调整 dE 滑块以产生更好看的色域。我们建议将此值设置为 1 到 3 之间。当您增大滑块时,显示的颜色的准确性将会降低。如果将滑块设置为 10(可设置的最大值),它会使色域看起来更大,但显示的色域会不太准确,因为您增加了测量芯片周围的容差。
- 按住 ⌥(选项键)并单击您要更改的颜色以打开选择器。
- 更改选取器内的颜色时按住 ^(控制键)。这会将您选择的颜色链接到活动颜色文件中最接近的颜色。如果您将图层调色板设置为显示颜色名称,则当您在选取器中移动时,您将看到颜色名称发生变化。
AVA RGB 颜色选择器
When the AVA RGB picker is open, you can use the HSL, CMY or RGB sliders to pick new colours. Two colour chips display the original and new colour in the top left of the window. The whole window can be resized, giving you a larger area to pick colours from.
The AVA RGB Picker remembers automatically the last mode (HSL, CMY or RGB) used when selecting a colour so the slider bars always work the way you want them to.
To allow compatibility with other software programmes, you can choose the range of numbers used to represent the RGB values. This option is situated on the right of the RGB value fields.
The range offers three options:
- 100 - this option will display the values from 0 to 100. This format is similar to the one used in the Apple®RGB picker
- 255 - this option will display the values from 0 to 255. This format is similar to the one used in the Adobe® Photoshop®™ picker
- 65535 - this option will display the values from 0 to 65535. This format is the standard range used in the AVA RGB picker
CMYK 颜色选择器
选择 CMYK 选择器后,您可以使用 CMYK 滑块或键入百分比来选择颜色。
使用 CMYK 选择器
您可以通过单击选取器窗口顶部 ICC 配置文件名称旁边的“打开”按钮来选择选取器使用的配置文件。这实际上可以是 RGB、CMYK 或 N 通道配置文件,滑块将根据您打开的配置文件类型而变化。
每个滑块旁边的微移箭头使您可以对颜色进行非常小的微调,并且与 AVA 中的大多数滑块一样,如果您在使用滑块时按住 ⌥(选项键)键,则可以进行更精细的调整。
如果您想同时移动多个滑块,可以按住 Shift 键,单击移动一个滑块,其他滑块将按比例移动。
如果您希望将所有滑块重置为 0%,只需单击窗口底部的“归零”按钮即可。
- CMYK 选择器现在有一个比较按钮,因此您可以在设置最终颜色之前直观地比较颜色变化。
- 您现在可以使用 CMYK 选择器设置单独的颜色透明度。勾选透明度选项并使用滑块确定正确的值。
在 CMYK 选取器窗口中使用多视图选取器
手动调整滑块的另一种方法是从 CMYK 选取器中打开多视图选取器来选择您选择的颜色,滑块会自动调整以显示相应的值。这使得创建颜色时更加灵活,并且在进行小调整时更加轻松。
要从 CMYK 选取器访问多视图选取器,只需按住 ⌥(选项键)并单击窗口右侧的大色卡即可。您现在可以使用色相、饱和度和亮度滑块进行调整。
This picker works in conjunction with AVA Production Colour Management (PCM) software. It produces a simulation of how the base inks in a digital printer would overprint to produce the chosen colour.
Setting up the Custom Overprint Picker
- Overprint Method - select the relevant overprint method
- Tone DB - select the tonal database which accompanies your chosen overprint method
The inks used during the creation of your custom overprint will appear as colour blocks in the picker.
How to use the Custom Overprint Picker
Once the picker has been set up with the relevant overprint method and tonal database, you can recolour designs.
- Hold ⌥ (option key) and click on you colour chip to open the picker in ColourSys. Each colour will start with its value set to 0.
- Begin adjusting the sliders to create a colour as close to the original as possible. The original colour is shown in the top right hand side of the picker. To its right, the new colour is previewed.
- Once you have started to create the colour, click the ‘Solve’ button in the middle of the window on the right hand side to find the closest colour achievable with your inks.
Strengthen or weaken a colour using the Custom Overprint Picker
If you wish to strengthen a colour, adjust all the relevant sliders simultaneously by holding down ⌥ (option key) as you increase one of the colours.
The same method can be applied for weakening a colour. Simply hold down ⌥ (option key) as you move one of the sliders to the left.
Adjusting the amount of black ink used in the Custom Overprint Picker
In some CMYK separations, it is preferable to use CMY to make black instead of using the black ink itself, which can cause unwanted dither in prints.
If you mix a colour which has a lot of black ink in, you can remix the colour to automatically reduce the black levels at the same time as increasing the CMY values by holding down ⇧ (shift key) as you reduce the black slider.
The picture below shows how the software has solved the original colour using the cyan, magenta and yellow inks from a digital printer.
Holding down the ⇧ (shift key) and reducing the level of black used to 0% has automatically increased the levels of cyan, magenta and yellow, resulting in a similar, alternative colour.
You can reset the sliders to 0% at any time using the Zero button (0) at the bottom of the window.