Document Palettes: Save file specific settings within the file

Saving and sharing document specific settings with the file

Each document in AVA can contain individual and file specific settings in the form of a customisable Palette.  This is ideal for storing dot gains, document specific filters, tools, selections and PDF documentation. 

Not only does this create a streamlined workflow, but it also reduces the risk of you losing vital information during file transfer. In conjunction with the automatic saving of overprint and substrate settings, this palette can be used to retain all the relevant information relating to the file in one place.

Creating a Document Palette

  1. Go to File Menu > Show Document Palette.
  2. Build your Palette.
  3. Save the document in .ava4 format.

These settings will now be saved with the document and can be easily recalled, even if the file is opened on a different computer.

This Palette can now be shared with your colleagues. 


Note: The Document Palette in the image above is grouped with other floating windows to save space and reduce clutter on the screen. To do this, go to AVA Menu > Settings and select Appearance.  Then tick Use Grouped Windows.

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