This tool allows for rapid masking or clean copying of scanned designs. It gives extra control to the user by allowing changes to the line.
The Silhouette tool is similar in function to other spline tools, however gives the user more control and flexibility when masking their shape. Accessed from the brush tool, just click and hold to get this new option.
- Add a 1 or 8 bit layer and activate it
- Click the first and second point of the line.
- Hover your cursor over the centre of that line. You will see it start to bend.
- Once your desired curve is achieved, simply click to define the shape.
- Use the red anchor points to make manual adjustments to the curve as necessary
Silhouette Settings
- Maximum width - the maximum possible size your line will be
Width change pattern - works similarly to a gamma curve, you can add points and change the curve. The curve affects how thick the line is at different points.
End shapes - allows the user to determine the end shape of their line. There are 4 options to choose from, in the image below you can see how each of the lines differ at the end:
- Start from last position - allows you to continue your line from exactly the last position you clicked. With this option on, you don't need to add two points each time, just click your next point as it will automatically set the first.
- Fix - this fixes the line. Once you have done this you cannot continue to edit it. If you are working on a file a shortcut for this is to click ⮐ (return key).
Saving your settings
You can quickly save the setting of the brush you are working with by clicking the plus button in the bottom left hand corner of the Silhouette tool settings window. This will automatically save your settings, so you can go back to them as needed. This allows you to build up a good selection of brushes that you can keep swapping between as you mask the file.