These Settings let you customise the colour of various settings in AVA, from the colour which is traced when using the Filled Freedrawn Shape Tool and the Lasso Tool, to the background colour of your palettes, designs and Layers Palette.
Controls the colour of the guides, crop boxes, spline lines and the Filled Freedrawn Shape Tool outline. Double click on the colour block and select a contrasting colour to the colours in your design from your colour file, or option click on the colour block to colour from the picker.
Spot preview layers
Sets the colour used for preview layers when separating designs with the Spot separation method. It also controls the colour used when creating a new grey scale colourway with the option key. Generally we would recommend black is the chosen colour, but it is possible to select a different colour if desired, or if you wish to use a specific black. For example, if you use an AVA tonal database, you may wish to select a colour from this and display your actual production ink breakdowns.
Frame first repeat when creating documents
Sets the colour used to frame the first repeat of new documents. This colour can be overridden for individual designs within the Set Repeat window, if the default colour clashes with the colours used in the design itself.
Custom Document Background
The default background colour of your Design and Layout Windows is grey. This is because we believe it to be the best colour to colour match against. However, if you wish to change the background colour of these windows, you can do by ticking this option and setting your chosen colour from a colour file or picker in this colour chip. A suggestion would be to set you substrate colour as the background colour. You can read in your substrate colour using a spectrophotometer.
Custom Palette Background
Change the background colour for your Layers Palette by ticking this option and changing the colour block using a colour picker or colour file.
Use Grouped Windows
By clicking this, you will group together sets of floating windows. Click the ‘Show Custom Group Controls’ button to group sets of windows.
The exclamation mark
Click this to read a cautionary message about customising the background colours of some windows and Palettes in AVA. It can result in perceived inaccuracies in the visual, even when working with an accurately calibrated system.