Patterns Library: Creating and using patterns and textures in your design

Using patterns and textures throughout the whole file, within selections or with selected tools

Patterns can be used in various areas of the software. They can be used with the brushes and with tools such as the Filled Rectangular Tool to create patterned and tonal effects in otherwise solid areas.

The basic patterns supplied with the software are small and simple, but new patterns of anything up to 1,000 pixels square can be added to the patterns library.  If you need some inspiration, download additional patterns from within the palette.

Patterns can be black and white, greyscale or full colour,  and use the selected foreground and background colours on the active image or layers.

The movies


Using patterns

  1. Go to Window Menu > Patterns, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘⇧P to open the Patterns Library.

  2. Select one of the patterns by clicking on it. You will see a coloured frame around the selected pattern.
  3. Make the image or layer active.
  4. Click on one of the painting tools such as paint brush, shape tools or Bucket Tool.
  5. Start painting and the selected pattern will be used rather than a solid colour.

  6. When you have finished using the patterns, select the solid black pattern so that the painting tools will work correctly and will use solid paint rather than the pattern.


Tip: The keyboard shortcut ⌘4 can be used to fill the whole layer or a selection with the selected pattern.


Did you know

If you set your Outline Cursor setting to Filled in your General Settings (AVA Menu > Settings ), you will see a preview of the selected pattern in your brush. 


Creating your own patterns

Patterns should be small repeating files, preferably less than 1000 pixels. Pasting large patterns into the library may cause a delay in AVA launching.

  1. Scan a texture or create a pattern. 
  2. Use the Carbon Copy from Crop Box function to put this into repeat. 
  3. When you are happy that the texture repeats well, set the file back to one repeat using the One Repeat button in the toolbar. 
  4. Select Edit Menu > Select All (⌘A). 
  5. Go to Edit Menu> Copy (⌘C). 
  6. Go to Window Menu > Patterns. 
  7. Go to Paste from the patterns window action menu. 

    The Patterns Library will update to show the new pattern.

  8. Name the pattern in the lower section of the Patterns Library.


Installing more patterns

If you are unsure where to begin to create your own custom patterns, why not try out some that AVA have created for you!

  1. In the patterns window, choose ‘Install more Patterns…’ from the action menu. Your web browser will open, displaying links to the AVA custom patterns.
  2. Click on the desired pattern book, such as ‘Creative’.
  3. A message will appear confirming the number of patterns which will be downloaded. Click OK.

  4. The new patterns will be amended to your list of patterns in the library.

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