Creating, saving and opening colour files

Working with colour files

A colour file is the only type of document that can be created within ColourSys. It is also the only type of file that can be printed from the ColourSys software.

Creating a new colour file

  • In ColourSys, go to File Menu > New. A new, empty colour file will open. There are several ways to add colours to a colour file. To learn how, click here

Saving your colour files

  • Go to File Menu > Save As… and name and save your colour file for the first time, giving it an appropriate name.

Tip: It is a good idea to name all of your colour files individually and store them together in a folder so that they can be easily accessed but not easily deleted. For example, create a folder named 'colour files' and save it in your Application Support folder using the following path:

HD / Users / Library / Application Support / AVA / Colour files

All of your colour files can be stored within this folder to keep them safe and make them easy to retrieve.

Set colour files to open automatically when you launch the software

It can be very convenient to have certain colour files open automatically as ColourSys launches.  To do this, simply save the colour file into the following location:

HD / Users / Library / Application Support / AVA / Startup Items

If you no longer want a colour file to open automatically, simply move the colour file to a new location on your hard drive such as:

HD / Users / Library / Application Support / AVA

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