Reading in colours with a Xrite spectrophotometer

Measuring colours into ColourSys

A great starting point for digitally achieving any physical colour swatch is to read it in with a spectrophotometer. Colours can be read into a colour file in ColourSys, named and used in any design.

Using the i1pro2/3 

Calibrating the device

  1. Go to Colour > Instruments and select your instrument from the list. 
  2. Select Colour > Read Spectrophotometer. 
  3. When selected, there will be a tick next to it in the menu. A window will open so you can calibrate the instrument.
  4. Place the spectrophotometer onto its white calibration tile and press the button on the side of the instrument to take a measurement. Make sure the hand piece is held down firmly during the entire measurement. 
  5. Click OK when you have finished. 

Reading in the chips

  1. Place the spot reader over the colour to be read in and press the button on the side of the instrument. The colour will be measured and a window will appear prompting you to name the colour. 
  2. Enter a name and click OK. Repeat Steps 1 for any other colours to be read in. 

    If you plan to measure numerous charts of colours, the IO automated scanning table is a must have. The iO table is an automated chart-reading table that makes measuring colour swatches and calibration targets hands-free and accurate. It accepts any substrate up to 10 mm thick.

Reading a printed target of colour swatches using the iO in ColourSys

  1. Create a new colour file by selecting File > New. 
  2. Go to Colour Menu > Measuring Instrument > iO. 
  3. Go to Colour Menu > Read Spectrophotometer. 
  4. Enter the number of chips across and down on the page.
  5. Position the instrument over the colour chip in each corner of the target, starting at the top left and moving clockwise. 

    Place the visor situated on the side of the sensor holder over the centre of the first chip. Press the measurement button of the instrument (on the left side) to mark the position of the first chip.

Using the Nix Spectro 2

You can now read colours into Coloursys using the Nix Spectro 2 device to create custom colourfiles. Click here for more info about this pocket sized colour sampler and have a look at our step-by-step guide below.

Calibrating the device1673859324536-Nix_unpacked.JPG

  1. To calibrate your Nix you will have to take the nix reference tile, the nix spectro and its cable out of the box. Plug one side of the cable into your hardware and connect the other side to your nix spectro (see video below). 
  2. In ColourSys, go to Colour > Instruments and select the Nix Spectro 2 from the list. 
  3. Select Colour > Read Spectrophotometer. 
  4. When selected, there will be a tick next to it in the menu. A window will open so you can calibrate the instrument. Click on Calibrate.
  5. Place the spectrophotometer onto its white reference tile and click on OK.

Reading in colour values

  1. Place the spot reader over the colour to be read in and click on Measure in the ColourSys window. The colour will be measured and a window will appear prompting you to name the colour. 
  2. Enter a name and click OK. Repeat Steps 1 for any other colours to be read in. 

The movie


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