在文件菜单中,您将找到有关保存文件过程的两个选项 - 保存和另存为。 “保存”将覆盖现有文件,“另存为”将让您有机会重新命名该文件并为其创建一个新副本,同时保持原始文件不变。
这将使用您所做的最新更改更新您正在处理的打开文件,覆盖以前保存的版本。它还会将设计的快速预览预览应用于文件图标,以便更容易在 Finder 中识别它。
当您完成一天的工作后,请记得通过转到“文件”菜单 >“保存”或使用 ⌘S 来保存文件。
当重新打开以 AVA 格式保存的文件时,它将记住并恢复许多特定的视图设置,这些设置在上次使用该文件时就已存在。一些例子是可见的图层、警告和保存时查看的配色。
- 转至文件菜单 > 另存为。
- 输入设计的名称,然后选择要将设计保存到的目标文件夹或磁盘。特殊语言字符(例如重音符号、西里尔字母或日语字符)得到正确处理并保留正确的特征。
- 您可以以任何列出的格式保存设计。 AVA 文件应保存为 ava4。
AVA 在保存文档时自动添加文件扩展名。例如,如果您要保存 Tiff 格式的文件,请在“保存”窗口中选择文件格式,并附加扩展名 .tif。
- 打开文档并转到您要从中导出的窗口(设计或布局窗口)。
- 从文件菜单转到“将组合副本另存为...”
- 选择要保存文件的格式,如果从布局窗口保存,请选择所需的分辨率(从设计窗口保存将创建与源文档具有相同分辨率的文件)。单击“保存”。
您无需指定配置文件,因为 AVA 将自动应用通用配置文件。但是,如果您希望选择使用“将合并副本另存为...”时应用的配置文件,请选择“AVA 菜单”>“设置”,然后选择“文件格式”按钮。单击“导出”选项卡,然后按“设置”按钮找到您要使用的配置文件。
按设置后,将打开一个 Finder 窗口,允许您导航到您的首选配置文件。
Autosave is a feature which automatically saves a dirty file (any file with unsaved changes) in the background when you are not working on it. Therefore, if you simply open a file and look at it, no autosave occurs. Similarly, as you are working on the file, no autosave occurs, but as soon as you stop working, the file is autosaved.
This means that in the unfortunate event that your computer crashes or you suffer a power failure, you will not lose any work. When you re-launch AVA the file will re-open and will contain all the changes you had made to it.
You can choose to turn this feature on or off per document, and the state of the function (on or off) is saved with the document. This means if you save a document with autosave off, the next time you open the document autosave will still be disabled. By default this is always switched on.
One reason you may choose to turn this off would be if you are working on an extremely large file where the autosave function may impact on your productivity. In cases like this, you may turn the feature off for a short period of time, then switch it back on later.
When you turn this off, any autosaves which are currently in progress are immediately cancelled. If you choose to switch this back on, AVA will schedule an autosave immediately for any unsaved changes.