Wrap Around Repeat: Schnelle und präzise Musterwiederholung

Repeating files using Wrap Around Repeat This is a key feature within the AVA repeating software as it enables fast and pr...

This is a key feature within the AVA repeating software as it enables fast and precise pattern repeating by sliding motifs together in realtime, ensuring smooth joins and correct repeat sizes.  

Conveniently integrated into the Design Window, its user friendly interface and automatic calculation of repeat drops make the Wrap Around Repeat method an integral part of many workflows.

Below you will find all information on how to to use this great feature.


The Movie


Using Wrap Around Repeat

If you are repeating a single motif or design on a white background with space around the edges (see example design below), the Wrap Around method can be applied without any further editing of the file.

Create smooth and fast repeats by using following the steps:

  1. Make sure there is no information in the background of your design and go to Window Menu > Wrap Around Repeat. A popup window will appear.
  2. Switch Wrap Around Repeat on. A blue frame will be displayed within the Design Window.

  3. Set the desired drop and repeat number.
  4. Drag the arrows located on the blue horizontal and vertical panel until the desired layout has been achieved.

  5. If there is an overlap, this can be adjusted from the bottom of the window.
  6. When happy, click Trim Repeat. This will automatically cut out a smaller repeating tile.

  7. Go to View > Repeat and set the corresponding drop and repeat amount.

Trimming edges (RGB)

Trimming edges of high coverage designs (for RGB Images only)

In order to repeat designs with higher coverage (see example design below) using the Wrap Around method, it is necessary to first trim the edges of the file. This creates the white space needed to slide the motifs together. To prevent initial damage to the original image, a Mask Layer is used to determine the correct cut. After this, the relevant parts of the original design can be trimmed away and repeated.


Note: This method is intended for RGB images only. Designs containing layers or CMYK images need to be prepared using the Parallel Trimming Method. 

Furthermore, there must be slightly more than one repeat in the file in order to use this method of Wrap Around. Whilst the document does not need to repeat exactly, a sufficient overlap is required to be able to trim and later slide the file together.

  1. Open the chosen file and go to Window Menu > Wrap Around Repeat.
  2. Click Wrap Around Repeat to activate repeat mode. Blue horizontal and vertical rulers will appear within the design window.
  3. Set at least two repeats across and down. If there is a drop, enter this as well. 

  4. Turn off Wrap Around to return to the design window and add a Mask Layer by going to Layer Menu > New Mask.
  5. Click on the disclosure triangle to reveal the newly added Mask Layer and activate it. It will appear below the RGB channels of your image. 

  6. Hold down ⇧ (shift key) on the keyboard and drag the Mask Layer into the main layer list. It will appear as an 8 Bit Layer.
  7. Activate only the Mask Layer, leaving it invisible. The image layer should be visible but not active.
  8. Make sure the foreground colour of your Tools Palette is white and begin to paint away the unnecessary areas of the image using your Filled Freedrawn Shape Tool. Begin by removing the information from the top left corner of the design as the information in this corner should always be cut out.


Note: While it looks like parts of the design are being deleted, it is in fact only an edit to the Mask Layer, meaning your image stays intact. 

  1. Continue to check if you are cutting away the correct parts by intermittently returning to the Wrap Around Repeat Window. Continue trimming the design.

Tip: If you have taken away too much, just switch the foreground colour to black and paint the missing information back onto the mask with your Filled Freedrawn Shape Tool. Change between black and white as needed to delete or add to the Mask Layer.

  1. Adjust the repeat handlers in your Wrap Around Window and begin to slide the new edges together. They will start to fit like a jigsaw puzzle. Click on the relevant drop to ensure it resets.

  2. When the top to bottom edge is complete, follow the above steps for the side to side repeat.
  3. When you are happy with your trimmed mask, select the background (white area) in the Design Window, activate the original image layer and delete the information by pressing ⌫ (backspace key) on the keyboard.

  4. Remove both Mask Layers. In other words, first remove the 8 Bit Mask Layer, then drop down the disclosure triangle of your image and delete the second integrated mask.
  5. Finally, return to your Wrap Around Window and click Trim Design.

Trimming edges (Layers/CMYK)

Parallel Trimming Method (for CMYK Images & Layers)

Spot Layers or CMYK Images cannot be adjusted using a mask and therefore require a slightly different approach to trimming the edges in preparation for using the Wrap Around Repeat method. For this, we create parallel jigsaw shaped edges directly on the design, repeating both horizontally and vertically, which can later be slid together.

  1. Activate the image or layer in question.
  2. Using the Lasso Tool, trim away unwanted information along the top of the design.
  3. Remove the selected area by pressing ⌫ (backspace key) on the keyboard. Do not deselect.
  4. Deactivate the image or layer by holding down ⇧ (shift key) on the keyboard and clicking on the pencil in the Layers Palette.

  5. Go to Edit Menu > Flip horizontal. Drag the selection to the bottom of the design holding down ⇧ (shift key) to keep it aligned.
  6. Reactivate the image by clicking on the pencil and press ⌫ (backspace key) on the keyboard to delete the information, creating a trim along the bottom. The cut line should be parallel to the top edge.
  7. Deselect the area and repeat above steps for the side to side edges.
  8. Go to Window Menu > Wrap Around Repeat, turn it on and set the drop and repeat amount (at least 2 x 2.
  9. Use the arrows on the blue rulers to slide the motifs together like a jigsaw. Finally, click Trim Design when happy.
  10. Go to View Menu > Repeat to tile out the design and check the joins.


Tip: Use the Carbon Copy Tool to correct any minor issues.


The Movie


Using Wrap Around Repeat

If you are repeating a single motif or design on a white background with space around the edges (see example design below), the Wrap Around method can be applied without any further editing of the file.

Create smooth and fast repeats by using following the steps:

  1. Make sure there is no information in the background of your design and go to Window Menu > Wrap Around Repeat. A popup window will appear.
  2. Switch Wrap Around Repeat on. A blue frame will be displayed within the Design Window.

  3. Set the desired drop and repeat number.
  4. Drag the arrows located on the blue horizontal and vertical panel until the desired layout has been achieved.

  5. If there is an overlap, this can be adjusted from the bottom of the window.
  6. When happy, click Trim Repeat. This will automatically cut out a smaller repeating tile.

  7. Go to View Menu > Repeat and set the corresponding drop and repeat amount.

Trimming edges (RGB)

Trimming edges of high coverage designs (for RGB Images only)

In order to repeat designs with higher coverage (see example design below) using the Wrap Around method, it is necessary to first trim the edges of the file. This creates the white space needed to slide the motifs together. To prevent initial damage to the original image, a Mask Layer is used to determine the correct cut. After this, the relevant parts of the original design can be trimmed away and repeated.


Note: This method is intended for RGB images only. Designs containing layers or CMYK images need to be prepared using the Parallel Trimming Method. Instructions for this can be found in the next tab.

Furthermore, there must be slightly more than one repeat in the file in order to use this method of Wrap Around. Whilst the document does not need to repeat exactly, a sufficient overlap is required to be able to trim and later slide the file together.

  1. Open the chosen file and go to Window Menu > Wrap around Repeat.
  2. Click Wrap Around Repeat to activate repeat mode. Blue horizontal and vertical rulers will appear within the design window.
  3. Set at least two repeats across and down. If there is a drop, enter this as well. 
  4. Turn off Wrap Around to return to the design window and add a Mask Layer by going to Layer > New Mask.
  5. Click on the disclosure triangle to reveal the newly added Mask Layer and activate it. It will appear below the RGB channels of your image. 

  6. Hold down the Shift Key and drag the Mask Layer into the main layer list. It will appear as an 8 Bit Layer.
  7. Activate only the Mask Layer, leaving it invisible. The image layer should be visible but not active.
  8. Make sure the foreground colour of your Tools Palette is white and begin to paint away the unnecessary areas of the image using your Filled Freedrawn Shape Tool. Begin by removing the information from the top left corner of the design as the information in this corner should always be cut out.


Note: While it looks like parts of the design are being deleted, it is in fact only an edit to the Mask Layer, meaning your image stays intact. 

  1. Continue to check if you are cutting away the correct parts by intermittently returning to the Wrap Around Repeat Window. Continue trimming the design.


Tip: If you have taken away too much, swap the foreground colour to black and paint the missing information back onto the mask with your Filled Freedrawn Shape Tool. Change between black and white as needed to delete or add to the Mask Layer.

  1. Adjust the repeat handlers in your Wrap Around Window and begin to slide the new edges together. They will start to fit like a jigsaw puzzle. Click on the relevant drop to ensure it resets.

  2. When the top to bottom edge is complete, follow the above steps for the side to side repeat.
  3. When you are happy with your trimmed mask, select the background (white area) in the Design Window, activate the original image layer and delete the information by pressing ⌫ (backspace key) on the keyboard.
  4. Remove both Mask Layers. In other words, first remove the 8 Bit Mask Layer, then drop down the disclosure triangle of your image and delete the second integrated mask.
  5. Finally, return to your Wrap Around Window and click Trim Design.

Trimming edges (Layers/CMYK)

Parallel Trimming Method (for CMYK Images & Layers)

Spot Layers or CMYK Images cannot be adjusted using a mask and therefore require a slightly different approach to trimming the edges in preparation for using the Wrap Around Repeat method. For this, we create parallel jigsaw shaped edges directly on the design, repeating both horizontally and vertically, which can later be slid together.

  1. Activate the image or layer in question.
  2. Using the Lasso Tool, trim away unwanted information along the top of the design.
  3. Remove the selected area by pressing ⌫ (backspace key) on the keyboard. Do not deselect.
  4. Deactivate the image or layer by holding down ⇧ (shift key) on the keyboard and clicking on the pencil in the Layers Palette.
  5. Go to Edit Menu > Flip horizontal. Drag the selection to the bottom of the design holding down ⇧ (shift key) to keep it aligned.
  6. Reactivate the image by clicking on the pencil and press ⌫ (backspace key) on the keyboard to delete the information, creating a trim along the bottom. The cut line should be parallel to the top edge.
  7. Deselect the area and repeat above steps for the side to side edges.
  8. Go to Window Menu > Wrap Around Repeat, turn it on and set the drop and repeat amount (at least 2 x 2.
  9. Use the arrows on the blue rulers to slide the motifs together like a jigsaw. Finally, click Trim Design when happy.
  10. Go to View Menu > Repeat to tile out the design and check the joins.

Tip: Use the Carbon Copy Tool to correct any minor issues.


The Movie


Using Wrap Around Repeat

If you are repeating a single motif or design on a white background with space around the edges (see example design below), the Wrap Around method can be applied without any further editing of the file.

Create smooth and fast repeats by using following the steps:

  1. Make sure there is no information in the background of your design and go to Window Menu > Wrap Around Repeat. A popup window will appear.
  2. Switch Wrap Around Repeat on. A blue frame will be displayed within the design window.

  3. Set the desired drop and repeat number.
  4. Drag the arrows located on the blue horizontal and vertical panel until the desired layout has been achieved.

  5. If there is an overlap, this can be adjusted from the bottom of the window.
  6. When happy, click Trim Repeat. This will automatically cut out a smaller repeating tile.

  7. Go to View Menu > Repeat and set the corresponding drop and repeat amount.

Trimming edges (RGB)

Trimming edges of high coverage designs (for RGB Images only)

In order to repeat designs with higher coverage (see example design below) using the Wrap Around method, it is necessary to first trim the edges of the file. This creates the white space needed to slide the motifs together. To prevent initial damage to the original image, a Mask Layer is used to determine the correct cut. After this, the relevant parts of the original design can be trimmed away and repeated.


Note: This method is intended for RGB images only. Designs containing layers or CMYK images need to be prepared using the Parallel Trimming Method. Instructions for this can be found in the next tab.

Furthermore, there must be slightly more than one repeat in the file in order to use this method of Wrap Around. Whilst the document does not need to repeat exactly, a sufficient overlap is required to be able to trim and later slide the file together.

  1. Open the chosen file and go to Window Menu > Wrap Around Repeat.
  2. Click Wrap Around Repeat to activate repeat mode. Blue horizontal and vertical rulers will appear within the Design Window.
  3. Set at least two repeats across and down. If there is a drop, enter this as well. 

  4. Turn off Wrap Around to return to the Design Window and add a Mask Layer by going to Layer Menu > New Mask.
  5. Click on the disclosure triangle to reveal the newly added Mask Layer and activate it. It will appear below the RGB channels of your image. 

  6. Hold down ⇧ (shift key) on the keyboard and drag the Mask Layer into the main layer list. It will appear as an 8 Bit Layer.
  7. Activate only the Mask Layer, leaving it invisible. The image layer should be visible but not active.

  8. Make sure the foreground colour of your Tools Palette is white and begin to paint away the unnecessary areas of the image using your Filled Freedrawn Shape Tool. Begin by removing the information from the top left corner of the design as the information in this corner should always be cut out.


Note: While it looks like parts of the design are being deleted, it is in fact only an edit to the Mask Layer, meaning your image stays intact. 

  1. Continue to check if you are cutting away the correct parts by intermittently returning to the Wrap Around Repeat Window. Continue trimming the design.


Tip: If you have taken away too much, swap the foreground colour to black and paint the missing information back onto the mask with your Filled Freedrawn Shape Tool. Change between black and white as needed to delete or add to the Mask Layer.

  1. Adjust the repeat handlers in your Wrap Around Window and begin to slide the new edges together. They will start to fit like a jigsaw puzzle. Click on the relevant drop to ensure it resets.

  2. When the top to bottom edge is complete, follow the above steps for the side to side repeat.
  3. When you are happy with your trimmed mask, select the background (white area) in the Design Window, activate the original image layer and delete the information by pressing ⌫ (backspace key) on the keyboard.
  4. Remove both Mask Layers. In other words, first remove the 8 Bit Mask Layer, then drop down the disclosure triangle of your image and delete the second integrated mask.
  5. Finally, return to your Wrap Around Window and click Trim Design.

Trimming edges (Layers/CMYK)

Parallel Trimming Method (for CMYK Images & Layers)

Spot Layers or CMYK Images cannot be adjusted using a mask and therefore require a slightly different approach to trimming the edges in preparation for using the Wrap Around Repeat method. For this, we create parallel jigsaw shaped edges directly on the design, repeating both horizontally and vertically, which can later be slid together.

  1. Activate the image or layer in question.
  2. Using the Lasso Tool, trim away unwanted information along the top of the design.
  3. Remove the selected area by pressing ⌫ (backspace key) on the keyboard. Do not deselect.
  4. Deactivate the image or layer by holding down ⇧ (shift key) on the keyboard and clicking on the pencil in the Layers Palette.
  5. Go to Edit Menu > Flip horizontal. Drag the selection to the bottom of the design holding down ⇧ (shift key) to keep it aligned.
  6. Reactivate the image by clicking on the pencil and press ⌫ (backspace key) on the keyboard to delete the information, creating a trim along the bottom. The cut line should be parallel to the top edge.
  7. Deselect the area and repeat above steps for the side to side edges.
  8. Go to Window Menu > Wrap Around Repeat, turn it on and set the drop and repeat amount (at least 2 x 2.
  9. Use the arrows on the blue rulers to slide the motifs together like a jigsaw. Finally, click Trim Design when happy.
  10. Go to View Menu > Repeat to tile out the design and check the joins.

Tip: Use the Carbon Copy Tool to correct any minor issues.

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