Surfaces downloads


Texture Mapping Scenes


Palette Actions



Separate K - separate the black in your design onto a new layer
8 Colour Textile - automated 8 colour HIFI separation
Separate CMYK - converts to CMYK spot layers
Separate CMY - converts to CMY spot layers


Spot Layers > PSD Layers - converts AVA spot layers to Photoshop® layers
Alpha Channel Tiff - saves as channels for Adobe® colouring
CMYK to Spot - converts a CMYK separation to spot layer for conventional separation
Save all Colourways at 72 dpi - as an RGB Jpeg file.

Creative Effects

Drop Shadow - adds a drop show effect to a selected spot layer.
OutLine - Makes and outline on a new layer of a selected spot layer.
Link Thickness - Makes the lines on a selected spot layer an even thickness.
Surface Print - Adds a Surface Print effect to selected spot layers.
Emboss - Adds an emboss effect to selected spot layers.




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