Texture Remover, is a new tool which can be used to remove the unwanted texture that you can get from the weave or pattern of the substrate in your scan. See example below (400% zoom) of a scan on fabric, left side is the original scan, right side is after using the Texture Remover function.

Clearing this type of texture will make your separations smoother. If you are going to digitally print the scan on fabric, removing this texture first will help ovid an ugly moire effect you could get if the weave of the scan clashes with the fabric weave on the printer. This normally only takes couple of minutes and gives sharper results than trying to remove the texture with filters.

How to use Texture Remover:
- Open your the scan in to AVA.
- From the Layer Menu > Texture Remover > Open Texture Remover Document. This will create a new fle from your scan containing a Texture Remover layer for each channel in the selected layer.
- Keep all the Texture Remover layers selected, but have just one visible so it is clearer to see the pattern.
Note: You may see that an FFT document looks like any AVA design document; in fact there are many things you cannot do here like resize, flip, rotate, repeat, etc. whereas you can do others like zoom, paint and select.
FFT, stands for ‘Fast Fourier Transform’ this is the underlying algorithm used for the new Texture Remove function.
- On the Texture Remover layers is usually a grey background with star-like bright spots which are the equivalent of the original image repeating patterns (see picture below)
Note: If you do not see a reasonably clear pattern it is likely that this function will not help with your file. It is intended to help remove the unwanted texture from scans, it may not help to remove texture from low quality photographs or noise in poor quality images.
- The file will of automatically open using the Kaleidoscope Tool. This is to minimise the time spent to remove noise. This type of noise will always repeat in this 4 way fashion.
- You now need to remove the bright spots in the file, we recommend using a simple brush to go over them. It is very important not to go over the centre point. The effect will automatically apply to your original file so you can see the texture start to disappear as you remove more of the spots!
- Once finished you can simply close the FFT file that was generated.
Tips: If you can't clearly see the spots, we would suggest switching on the option to ‘Preview single Spot Layers in unmanaged black’. You will find this in: AVA > Settings > Overprint and Colour Management Settings.
Deleting too much will cause the image to degrade.
You will often get some lines on the side of the design from this function, this is unavoidable and would need to be cleaned up separately.