How to add layers to a design

Creating new layers

The series of buttons just below the colourway tools are used for adding, duplicating and removing layers in designs. For AVA Colour Stand Alone users, the add layer and duplicate buttons will do nothing, but the delete button can be used to remove unwanted active layers.

Adding an RGB image

Click the RGB button highlighted below:

Adding an CMYK image

Click the CMYK button highlighted below:

Adding a 1 bit layer

Click the solid layer button highlighted below:

Adding an 8 bit layer

Click the spot layer button highlighted below:

Adding a grid layer

Click the grid layer button highlighted below:

Adding a vector layer

Click the vector layer button highlighted below:

Adding a colour correction layer

Click the colour correction layer button highlighted below:

Duplicating layers

Activate the layers you want to duplicate, and click the duplicate button highlighted below:

Deleting layers

Activate the layers you want to delete, and click the delete button highlighted below:

If you want to hide these buttons in order to reduce clutter on the screen, you can press the small disclosure triangle in the top left of the Layers Palette: 

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