Working with mixed resolutions

Designing In AVA

In AVA you can have different resolutions for different layers.  For example, a key line on one layer might be 508dpi, while a watercolour tone on another layer might be 254dpi. The lower resolution of the tonal layer will help to reduce the size of the file (in MB).

The following example explains how to set multiple resolutions on layers or images in the same file:

  1. Scan a design at 508dpi and open it in AVA
  2. Make any editing changes necessary
  3. Create a one pixel key line layer using the Pencil Tool
  4. Select Quality from the Edit Menu. A sheet will open:

The Resolution pop up bar at the top of the window shows a list of the current resolutions that are in use in the document. In this case, it will only contain one resolution (508dpi) as it is currently the only one in use within the document.

  1. Create a new resolution of 127dpi, by clicking on the Scale pop up bar and selecting /4

The option /4 means the current resolution of 508dpi is divided by four which results in 127dpi. The numbers on the right in the window change to 127dpi at this point.

  1. Make sure the Editing option is switched on and the Selected Layers option is not ticked and click Set
  2. Create tonal layers at 127dpi and work on them as required


‘Editing’ quality means that if for example, you combine the design to a new image or create a new layer, they will be created at 127dpi. If you export or print the file at this point, the resolution will also be 127dpi. Any layers which have a higher resolution than the selected editing quality will have their pencils removed (indicating that they are not active) In this case, the key line layer. This is because you cannot edit a layer that has a higher quality than your editing quality. If you were able to edit the layer, not all the high resolution pixels would be drawn on, resulting in an unwanted dotty effect. 


Note: In this example, if you go back and select the higher resolution 508dpi layer to continue editing it, the resolution of the file automatically increases to 508dpi. If you want to work at 127dpi again you must select 127dpi from the Resolution pop up bar in the Quality Window. The Resolution pop up bar will now display both resolutions, 127dpi and 508dpi.

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