Drawing straight lines

Quickly and easily draw straight lines with the Brush Tool

A straight line can be plotted with the Brush Tool by clicking a start point and a destination point. The brush line will be plotted between the two points.

  1. Activate a layer and select the Brush Tool from the Tools Palette.
  2. Click a point on the design with the brush then do one of the following:
    • Hold down ⇧ (shift key) and click a second point to create a straight line which constrains to horizontal, vertical or diagonal (45º) axes
    • Hold down the ⌘ (command key) and click a second point to create a straight line in any direction, at any angle
  3. Continue holding down ⌘ (command key) and click additional points with the brush to continue plotting straight lines. Alternate between the two keys as required to create the lines or shapes needed.

To finish a line, just release the key and your last click will be the end of the line. New lines can be started by holding down one of the keys again.

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