Comprised of four methods, Auto with Create enables flat designs to be quickly separated to automatically created layers. It works in a similar way to the Automatic separation function, where layers will butt-fit to each other and there is no overprint, but this separation is even more simpler to use as the software creates the layers for you.
Auto with Create works by looking for the most common colours in the design. If the design is dirty or has significant tonal variation, this method will not work successfully. Very flat designs work best. This method is ideal for separating flat, computer generated artwork. More complicated designs would be better separated using either Automatic separation or Automatic Tonal separation.
- Open a flat design or create one on screen.
- Go to Separate Menu > Auto with Create. A sheet will open where you can specify the number of layers to add and the separation mode you want to use.
- Enter the number of colours in the design and choose a separation mode. AVA will scan through the image locating the number of colours you have specified. It will then create these layers and separate the design to them.
What do the different Auto with Create modes do?
- For flat artwork - designed for use with flat artwork, this method efficiently separates files for a quick and easy impact
- Optimal palette - this method will produce better results on slightly tonal designs, such as scanned artwork
- Photo perception - aims to mimic the way the human eye perceives colours, and gives the best approximation it can find
- Photo advanced - designed with detail in mind, this method aims to hold onto as much detail of the original image as possible, pushing the boundaries of flat separations.
Automating Auto with Create
Enhance your workflow and add Auto with Create as a button to a Palette, saving you manual steps and helping you streamline your day to day tasks.
- Go to AVA Menu > Settings > Menus
- Click on the disclosure triangle next to Separate on the right hand side
- Drag the settings handler located beside Auto with Create to a Palette
- Option click on the button you have just created in the Palette to open its editor
- Click on the spanner icon next to the action
- Chose your desired settings for the separation
From now on, you can perform the Auto with Create separation by clicking on this button.
New in AVA Suite
Choose to automatically include a black layer or white layer to simplify your separation process.
- Go to Separation > Auto with Create
- Select your mode as normal
- Select the number of layers to create as usual
- Tick to automatically include a black/white layer