Spline Grids: Improve the fluidity of the standard grids

Creating stunningly realistic representations of your design on a product

After creating your grid from either of the PenPerspectiveContour or Rectangular Grid tools, you can convert these to Spline Grids which increase the fluidity of the standard grids, resulting in a stunningly realistic representation of your design on the product. 

  1. Activate an existing grid.
  2. Go to the Grid menu and select Convert to Spline Grid, or ^ (control key) click on the gris and select Convert to Spline.

Each cell of your existing grid is automatically subdivided into 8 smaller cells.

Use the gravity function with the Grid Selection Tool to manipulate the grid around complicated objects such as curtains and valances and notice the incredibly smooth results.

Use the gravity function with the Grid Selection Tool to manipulate the grid around complicated objects such as curtains and valances and notice the incredibly smooth results.

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