You can develop your own textures by using an array of editing tools available in the Tools Palette. The Brush Tool and Random Sequence Brushes are perfect for doing this, alongside tools such as the Carbon Copy Tool and the Stamp Brush Tool.
The starting point for creating your own textures is building an exciting and unique set of brushes and saving them into the Brushes Library. These brushes can be developed using the Brush Tool and Random Sequence Brushes, as well any any of the other editing tools in the Tools Palette.The Splatter Tool and Eraser Tool can also play an important part in developing an exciting library of brushes, which leads to a unique set of textures. Below is a variety of tips and tricks for developing these brushes and textures. There are many tips and tricks for creating your own brushes. Below is just a couple of these.
Using existing designs to create brushes
- Open an existing design and zoom into an area you think may make an interesting brush mark.
- Select an area using the Lasso Tool or Magic Wand Tool.
- Go to Edit Menu > Copy, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘C.
- Go to Window Menu > Brushes to open the Brushes Library.
- From the action menu, select Paste.
- Use the settings at the bottom of the Brushes Library to edit the properties of the brush.
- Paint into an 8 bit (tonal) layer to test out your new brush and continue adjusting the settings until you are happy with the mark it produces.
- Use the new brush with different tools, such as the Eraser Tool to develop the texture further.
- Repeat Steps 1 - 8, working on different layers in the file to create your textures.
Developing your own brushes from scratch
- Select a brush from the Brushes Library and draw some brush strokes into a new layer in a document.
- Use the Lasso Tool or the Rectangular Selection Tool draw a selection around the brush stroke.
- Go to Edit Menu > Select > Snap, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘/ to snap that selection to the motif.
- Go to Edit Menu > Copy, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘C.
- Go to the action menu in the Brushes Library and select Paste.
- Edit the properties of your new brush using the setting in the bottom section of the Brushes Library, testing the brush as you go.
Using these brushes to develop textures
- Create a new document at your required size and resolution.
- Put the new document into a 2 x 2 repeat using the Repeat Window.
- Use your new brushes to develop the texture, adding new layers if and when required.
- Go to Window Menu > 3D Designer, and use this window to view your new texture in 3D to help you deveop it.
- Save the document with an appropriate name.