Displaying a weave design in the Layout Window

Embed a weave onto the layout window

Once the structure and colour order of the weave design have been entered, it can be displayed and printed from the Layout Window. This page allows you to lay out the design for presentations, or preparation for the mill. 

  1. Go to Window Menu > Layout or click on the Layout button in the toolbar. A window will open, displaying a white page area.  It may contain a colourway showing the design.
  2. If the page is blank, go to Colourway Menu > New or click on the New button in the Tool bar.
  3. Go to Weave Menu > Show Part and select the part windows to be displayed on the page (Pegplan, Threading, and so on). If the scale of the parts is too big or small, it can be changed in the Weave Settings .

  4. See the Layout articles for more details on creating exciting presentation layouts.

Creating a new colourway of the design

Unlimited colourway combinations can be created for every design in AVA. Colourways can be created while viewing the design in the Layout Window or the Design Window.

Making a new colourway

  1. Click on the ‘+’ button at the top of the Layers Palette. The colourway number will change from 1 to 2 and a duplicate set of colours will be displayed.
  2. Replace the current colours for your new colourway in the colour palette using the usual methods: pick from the active colour file; use the colour picker; or drag and drop colours from the swatches palette or anywhere else in AVA. The new colours will appear in the colour palette and in their relevant positions in the design. The colour orders will be the same as in the original colourway.

  3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each colourway to be created.
  4. Flick through the different colourways you have created by clicking on the ‘<’ and ‘>’ buttons at the top of the Layers window. Alternatively, view them all at once in the on the page by tiling them across the page. 

Removing a colourway from the Layout Window

Removing a colourway from the page in the Layout Window does not delete the colourway from the file.

  • Activate the colourway you want to remove
  • Press ⌫ (backspace key) on your keyboard

Removing an unwanted colourway from the design:

  1. View the colourway to be removed in either the design or on the Layout Window.
  2. Click on the ‘-’ button at the top of the Layers Palette. The chosen colourway will be deleted.

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