Table of Contents
Filling the Pegplan with a selected weaveFilling part of the Pegplan with a selected weaveEditing Selections in the PegplanRepeating areas in the PegplanPlan windows are used to create the weave structures. Each plan window controls a different part of the Dobby structure and colouring. They are all accessed by choosing Window > Weave and then selecting the relevant plan window.
Filling the Pegplan with a selected weave
- Go to Window Menu > Weave > Library. A window will open.
The first time you launch the software the Weave Library will be empty. You will need to either create some new weaves or load the standard AVA weave library into the software. If you have used previous versions of AVA and have an existing weave library, this can also be loaded into the window.
Once the Weave library has been set up, it will display all the weaves entered each time you launch the software. You do not need to load the weaves each time you launch the software. - Click on the weave in the library which is to be put into the design.
- Click on the pegplan window, and go to Edit Menu > Select All. A bold red selection line will appear round the grid in the Pegplan window.
- Do one of the following:
- Click on the Bucket tool in the Tools palette.
- Choose Edit > Fill.
- Use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ 4.
- Hold down the ^(control) key, click anywhere in the Pegplan window and select Fill from the contextual menu.
The chosen weave will fill the pegplan and be displayed throughout the design.
Filling part of the Pegplan with a selected weave
A weave will be applied to the selected portion of the design.
- View the area of the Pegplan to be selected and click on the Selection tool in the Tools palette. The cursor will change to a cross.
- Click down and drag the cursor over the grid until you have selected the area required. You will see a bold red outline around the selected area. If you have not selected the correct area simply click away from the area and drag over it again to renew the selection.
- Choose the weave needed from the Weave Library and do one of the following:
- Click on the Bucket tool in the Tools palette.
- Go to Edit Menu > Fill.
The chosen weave will appear in the selected area of the Pegplan and the corresponding part of the design. Repeat the process in other areas to create a design with different weave structures in different areas.
Editing Selections in the Pegplan
Click on the Selection tool in the Tools window to select areas in the Pegplan.
To select everything in the Pegplan do one of the following:
- Go to Edit Menu > Select All.
- Use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ A.
To select nothing in the Pegplan do one of the following:
- Go to Edit Menu > Select > None.
- Use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ D.
To select all the shafts in a certain area of the Pegplan:
With the Selection tool selected, drag from one side of the Pegplan grid to the other, ensuring you include all squares across the window and dragging down for as many picks as are required. The bold red outline will indicate the area selected.
To select specific shafts and picks in the Pegplan
Only select the squares on the grid that you require, do not select the full width of the window.
To move the selected area
With the Selection tool selected, click inside the selected area and drag away from it. Release the cursor at a new position within the grid area of the pegplan. The pattern inside the selection will be moved to the new position.
To make a copy of part of the Pegplan
Select the area to be copied and choose Edit > Copy. Go to Edit Menu > Paste and click inside the selected area, then drag the copy to a new position in the Pegplan window. For more copies of the same area, select Paste again and move the new copy to another position, then repeat as necessary.
To flip part of the Pegplan
Select the area to be flipped and go to Edit Menu > Flip Horizontal or Flip Vertical. The selected area will be flipped by the orientation chosen.
To rotate part of the Pegplan
Select and area, hold down the Control key and click in the pegplan and choose Rotate by 90 ̊; Rotate by 180 ̊; Rotate by270 ̊. Alternatively, choose Edit > Rotate > Rotate 90 ̊, Rotate 180 ̊, or Rotate -90 ̊. The selected area will be rotated by the chosen angle.
To clear areas in the Pegplan, do one of the following
- Select the area to be removed and press the ⌫ key.
- Select the area you wish to erase and go to Edit Menu > Delete.
To change from the Back to the Face of a weave
When designing a weave which uses combinations of structures, it is useful to be able to use the back of an existing weave as another structure in the design. Therefore you can fill an area with a chosen weave and then choose Edit > Invert to show the reverse of it. This is similar to flipping the design, but instead of turning the pattern round, you completely reverse it, so that all black dots turn white and all white dots turn black, effectively switching the warp and weft threads in the chosen area. This function allows you to easily create combinations of satin and sateen weaves as an example.
To nudge the selected area
Select the area to be moved in either the warp colour, weft colour, pegplan or threading windows and press one of the Arrow keys on the keyboard. The selected area will move in the chosen direction by the same number of threads as the number of times the Arrow key is pressed.
Repeating areas in the Pegplan
It is possible to repeat a pattern down the whole Pegplan automatically without having to continually copy and paste it.
- Enter the desired pattern repeat at the start of the Pegplan.
- Use the Selection tool to select the pattern repeat area you have just created.
- Click on the Repeat button in the Tools Palette. The pattern will be repeated continuously down the whole Pegplan.
It is possible to crop the design to the correct number of threads if this happens i.e. 192 picks.