‘5xVariations300dpi’ Palette: Creation 5 subtle variations of an image layer in a single click

Image editing and digital print techniques

This Palette is designed to take an existing image layer in a design and create 5 variations based on various image filter combinations (which can be further edited in Palette, should you wish to get different results on running). Variations are then automatically displayed on a layout template, ready for exporting or printing.

The steps performed in the ‘5xVariations300dpi’ Palette

The Palette works on the basis that the design file contains one image layer which is re-named original upon running the Palette. The image layer is duplicated 5 times, each named variation x and a different image filter combinations applied to each. The Palette then opens the Layout, displaying the original image against the variations, ready to print or export.


Note: Design file must only contain a single image layer for this Palette to run successfully.

How to use the ‘5xVariations300dpi’ Palette

Simply click the Palette to run the variations.

How to edit the Palette to apply different filters

Should you wish to adjust the settings for the filter combinations, this can either be done by editing the currently held filter handlers or by testing and replacing the entry altogether with a more suitable one.

Editing the existing filter sets

  1. Hold ⌥ (option key) and click on the Palette to enter the editing window.
  2. Locate the required filter handler and click its edit button.
  3. In the filter browser pop up that appears, set filters can be adjusted. New ones can also be added using the + - buttons bottom left. It is worth noting though that there is no live preview of the filter sets in the Palette pop up. Results will only be seen when running the Palette.

Using the filter browser to add new effects

The best way of updating or tweaking your filter results is to test via the main filter browser feature in AVA and add into the Palette as a new entry. This way, results can be seen using the preview and then dragged immediately into the Palette.

  1. Open the filter browser and build your effect based on its preview in the design window.
  2. Hold ⌥ (option key) and click on the Palette to enter the editing window.
  3. Locate the required filter handler entry and click its name to highlight. ⌘ ⌫ (cmd backspace) to delete the entry.
  4. Drag and drop the tested filter set into the Palette using the filter browser handler.

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