‘Crop 1 repeat’ Palette: Crop multiple-displayed repeats to a single repeat element

Editing and repeating methods

This Palette is designed to perform all the steps necessary to crop multiple-displayed repeats to a single repeat element. It is particularly useful for those who wish to convert a drop pattern into a std square repeat pattern (for digital print or screen purposes). For example, a shown 2 x 1 half drop repeat would be cropped to a single, square repeat.

The steps performed in the ‘Crop 1 repeat’ Palette

This Palette conveniently combines all the steps of the crop one repeat method into a single click. When activated, it creates a selection around all shown design repeats, converts the selection into a crop box and then crops the area into a single repeat element.

How to use the ‘Crop 1 repeat’ Palette

  1. With a design document open and ensure that the number of repeats you want to convert to a single repeat element are showing.
  2. Click the ‘Crop 1 repeat’ Palette. Once complete repeat inspector window will now show the design as 1 x 1 repeat.

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