‘Halftone Screen’ Palette: Automatically prepare up to 16 separated tonal layers to new, engraver-ready screened layers

Automated Pre-Press tool

This Palette is designed to automate the screening of pre-made tonal separated layers ready for engraving. It can be used immediately with up to 16 layers; however, more can also be added. Details such as dot shape, frequency, angle and output resolution can all be edited to suit the needs of the user.


Note: As this Palette is a conversion for separated tonal designs specifically it is only recommended for use on documents containing only 8-bit spot colour layers. Should your design contain other layer types these should be removed temporarily while you convert.

The steps performed in the ‘Halftone Screen’ Palette

This Palette takes the process of selecting each individual spot layer and applying a specified screen dot through tones on to a new layer. Original layers are named ‘To be screened’ during the running of the Palette with subsequent screened layers appending ‘. screened’ to the end of the name.

How to use the ‘Halftone Screen’ Palette

  1. Open a design document ensuring only spot separations / layers and up to a maximum of 16 are contained in the Layers Palette Window.
  2. Make visible and select all layers.
  3. Click the ‘Halftone Screen’ Palette to run it. Layers will be renamed ‘To be screened’ for the run of the Palette steps.
  4. The Palette will run through each layer in order and produce a brand new 1 bit layer, applying the specified screening detail. All screened layers appending ‘. screened’ to the end of the name.

How to edit the screen specifications for each layer

  1. Hold ⌥ (option key) and click on the Palette to enter the editing window.
  2. Click the ‘edit’ icon of the ‘Halftone Screen’ entry you would like to amend. If you want to check which layer will be affected, then simply click the edit icon in the ‘Select Layer’ entry above the ‘Halftone Screen’ entry you chose. An index of the layer it will affect will be shown here.
  3. Update the fields relevant to your screening process and click away to close the editing window. The Palette file itself should be saved as usual to ensure all edits are remembered.

How to edit the screen specifications for each layer in 5.9

  1. Open the Group list in the Palette Window.
  2. Click the ‘edit’ icon of the ‘Halftone Screen’ entry you would like to amend. If you want to check which layer will be affected, then simply click the edit icon in the ‘Select Layer’ entry above the ‘Halftone Screen’ entry you chose. An index of the layer it will affect will be shown here.
  3. Update the fields relevant to your screening process and click away to close the editing window. The Palette file itself should be saved as usual to ensure all edits are remembered.

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