Add Variants: Refine an original colour

Achieving a better match to a colour

Variations of the start colour, which change by 1 delta-e, can be added to a colour file as a way to refine an original colour by very small amounts. For example a substrate colour can be made slightly lighter, darker, more or less saturated and so on, by adding variations of it to a new colour file.

  1. Go to File Menu > New.
  2. Go to Colour Menu > Sample Chips.
  3. Drag the colour to be varied to the Start Colour box.

Note: When you use the Add Variants option, the End Colour is ignored. 

  1. Enter the number of variants required, for example 17.
  2. Click on Add Variants. The colours will be added to the new colour file.
  3. Change the view of the colour file to ColourBook and view 17 chips across and down. The colours will be arranged on the page with the closest colour to the Start Colour in the centre and each colour around it changing by 1 delta-e away from the original.
  4. Drag any colours to be kept into your usual colour file and name them accordingly.

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