AVA Printing Black & Printing White

Adding a printing black or white chip to a colour file

If you have used AVA Technical Support (and we hope that you have), you may have heard us talk about AVA Printing White or AVA Printing Black. So what are these, and what do they actually do?

AVA Printing White

We often set the AVA Printing White as our substrate in the Layers Palette.  An example of when we may set a different colour chip as our substrate would be when we are using a Tonal Database. In this case, we would use a colour chip which has been created by reading in our production substrate colour.

Named in a very specific way, AVA Printing White is the white point of your printer profile, and therefore, by setting this as the substrate colour in the Layers Palette, you can be guaranteed that no tints will print in the background of your design*.  It must be spelt exactly as: AVA Printing White (including the capital letters). 

* All colour management settings much be set correctly, in accordance to your workflow. To learn more, click here

AVA Printing Black

This is the darkest point of your printers profile. So if you are trying to colour a layer with the darkest black possible, you should make a new colour chip in your colour file and name it AVA Printing Black. Then drag this colour to the layer you wish to colour.

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