Selections are a fundamental part of the AVA software. They are required to complete certain functions in the software but they are also extremely useful in helping you achieve exciting design effects. It is important to master using selections in your working methods to make your work flows more effective.
If you have a visible selection in a document, when you go to Edit Menu > Select, you will see the 'Hide' option. This conceals the active selection so that it cannot be seen. This is useful if you are copying and pasting areas and the dotted selection is distracting you. The item ‘Hide’ changes to 'Show' when a selection is hidden, allowing you to bring the selection back later. Use the keyboard shortcut ⌘H to use this function. The same shortcut is used to Hide and Show the selection, so switching between the two easy quick and easy.
If you are working with the Selections Palette open, you can also use the Hide button to hide and show active selections: