Grids, guides and rulers: How to use them in the Design Window

Accurately place motifs within your design

Grids, rulers and guides can be crucial to getting the layout of a design correct, and they are very easy to use. 


A grid is used as an aid to laying out designs, positioning elements and maintaining required spacing. Grid settings are saved by in the design, so if a design is saved with a grid visible the grid is saved and will be visible when the design is re-opened.

To place a grid over a design go to the View Menu and select Grid… You can then enter the required information in the window.

The origin of the grid is specified by entering numbers in the left and top fields. The size of the grid squares are altered by entering numbers in the across and down fields, while the colour of the grid can be changed, to make it easier to see over the design, by double clicking on the colour box and choosing a colour from your colour file.

All of the grid options are automatically saved in your AVA Settings , so the next time AVA is launched, your chosen grid settings will be retained.

Displaying a grid

Click on Show and click OK. A grid will be shown at the chosen size over the top of the design. In this example, the grid size is 10 mm but the grid origin is 3 mm from the top, left corner of the design.

Removing a grid

Switch off the show option in the grid window, so there is no tick in the box. When you click OK, the grid will disappear from the design.

Snapping to a grid

Click on snap to and click OK. Any tool you use and any move you make will be constrained to the grid. Switching this on makes the creation of geometric designs and exact layouts much easier.

Numbering grid squares

Click on Number and click OK. Two numbers will appear in the centre of each grid square. The first is the column number and the second is the row number of the square. Adding numbers to the grid helps to systematically check sections of a design.



Guides work alongside the rulers, so if the rulers are not switched on guides cannot be used. Using guides is another way to ensure accurate measurements and layouts are achieved. 

To switch on the rulers choose View Menu > Rulers… > Show. To add a guide click on either a vertical or horizontal ruler and a guide will appear. Guides are easy to identify because they have a clear triangle indicator in the ruler:

Guides can be added and altered in several ways:

  • by clicking directly on a ruler in the Design Window
  • by holding down ^ (control key) and clicking on the rulers in the Design Window and opening the contextual menu
  • by choosing View Menu > Guides… and selecting one of the options listed in the menu

Clicking directly on a ruler

Clicking anywhere along the horizontal ruler at the top of a document will create a vertical guide. Clicking anywhere along the vertical ruler at the side of a document will create a horizontal guide. Each time you click at a new position along the ruler, a new guide will be created.

To move a guide click on the relevant guide in the ruler and drag it along.

Using the contextual menu

Hold down the control key and click on one of the rulers. The guide contextual menu will appear.  Select New Guide from the list.  The following window will open.

  • Guide type - select whether you would lie a vertical or horizontal ruler. Or indeed you can place guides in both directions.
  • Guide Position - enter to ruler origin you wish the ruler to be placed.
  • Relative to - choose whether the guide should be placed relative to the left or right of the document, or relative to the repeat join.


Tip: If you find the repeat frame distracting as you work, you can apply guides to either side of the repeat join, making it easy to identify the areas you need to edit. To do this:

  • Hold down ^ (control key) and click in the rulers
  • Select New Guide
  • In the options which open, set Guide Type' to Both Directions, and 'Relative' to Sides of repeat join

In the snapshot above we have set the ‘Guide Position’ to 1 cm, meaning a guide will be placed 1 cm either side of the repeat joins.  This provides a 2cm border around the join, and means you can turn the frame off and edit the join without distractions.

If you hold down ^ (control key) and click on an existing guide, a different contextual menu will open:

  • All guides in the design can be hidden or displayed
  • The origin of the rulers can be changed by selecting Origins…
  • Existing guides can be deleted by selecting Delete Guide
  • Extra space can be add within the design boundaries by selecting Insert Stripe…  This is perfect if you are working on weave designs and need to add some threads into the pattern
  • The units of the rulers can be changed to aid guide positioning


Rulers can be displayed at the top and left side of the Design Window and Layout Window to help with measurements and motif or design placement. The rulers can be switched on/off in the General Settings or by going to View Menu > Rulers > Show/Hide. Rulers can also be switched on and off by clicking on the show button in the toolbar.

The origin of the rulers can be changed or reset by selecting the command: View Menu > Rulers > Origins…

Refer to the Setting a new design origin article for more information on their use in the software.

Available now in AVA 5.9 - Rulers condensed into one window!

Rulers can be displayed at the top and left side of the Design Window and Layout Window to help with measurements and motif or design placement. The rulers can be switched on/off in the General Settings or by going to View Menu > Rulers > Show/Hide. Rulers can also be switched on and off by clicking on the show button in the toolbar.

You can also now show/hide your ruler axes from this window, as well as changing the ruler origin. 


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