Colour Chip Window: Viewing information about a colour chip

Analysing the data of a colour chip

The Colour Chip Window displays the selected colour chip with its Lab values and if the chip contains it, reflectance data.

Go to Window Menu > Colour Chip. It has two displays:

  • A circular chip against a grey background

  • Alternatively, if can click on the small disclosure triangle to view is as a named rectangular colour chip with any gamut warnings, Lab values and a reflectance graph.


Note: If there is no curve in the reflectance data graph, it means the colour chip does not contain any reflectance data. This can happen if the colour has been picked from a document using the Pipette Tool. If you want to give the colour chip reflectance data, you can do this by activating the colour chip in the colour file, and going to Colour Menu > Pick (⌘R). This will open a colour picker. Simply pressing OK will apply synthesised reflectance data to the chip. True reflectance data is obtained by measuring colour swatches into ColourSys using a spectrophotometer.

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