The Spot Window provides a more powerful version of the Colour Separation Method. It provides real-time previews, live scale slider and gamma manipulation of the resulting separated tones.
This method is really good for separating the light and mid tones of marbles, textures and wood grain files. You may find the Spot Separation Method better for separating the darkest tones of these designs. To use this separation method, follow the steps below:
- Make the image active and go to Separate Menu > Spot.
- Select Colour from the pop up menu in the Spot Window.
- Use the Pipette Tool to select the colour you want to separate from the image. This colour will appear in the foreground colour of the Tools Palette. Click the New button to add it to the Spot Window.
- Click the Preview and Tonal buttons on the left hand side of the Spot Window. If you have split the views of the Design Window, the active view will turn into a greyscale preview layer.
- Adjust the slider bar on the right of the window to control the separation.
- Manipulate the Gamma Curve to either boost or reduce the tones from the separation.
- When you are happy with the separation, click the Fix button on the left hand side of the window.
- Repeat Steps 3 - 7 for any other colours you want to separate.
This method is really good for separating the light and mid tones of textures and motifs. You may find the Spot Separation Method better for separating the darker tones of these designs.
To use this separation tool, follow the steps below:
- Make the image active and go to Separate Menu > Spot.
- Select Colour from the pop up menu in the Spot Window.
- Use the Pipette Tool to select the colour you want to separate from the image. This colour will appear in the foreground colour of the Tools Palette. Click the New button to add it to the Spot Window.
- Click Preview and Tonal layers adjust the slider to control the separation.
- Adjust the slider bar on the right of the window to control the separation.
- Manipulate the Gamma Curve to either boost or reduce the tones from the separation.
- When you are happy with the separation, click the Fix button on the left hand side of the window.
- Repeat Steps 3 - 7 for any other colours you want to separate.
To use this separation tool, follow the steps below:
- Make the image active and go to Separate Menu > Spot.
- Select Colour from the pop up menu in the Spot Window.
- Use the Pipette Tool to select the colour you want to separate from the image. This colour will appear in the foreground colour of the Tools Palette. Click the New button to add it to the Spot Window.
- Click Preview and adjust the slider to control the separation.
- Adjust the slider bar on the right of the window to control the separation.
- Manipulate the Gamma Curve to either boost or reduce the tones from the separation.
When you are happy with the separation, click the Fix button on the left hand side of the window.
- Repeat Steps 3 - 5 for any other colours you want to separate.