Profiles can be included within Palettes, making it possible to share Palettes that set profiles for colleagues around the globe without the profile needing to be stored on the the system.
To share a printer profile in a Palette:
- Open the AVA CMS Controller.
- In the Profiles tab, click on the Printer Profile button and navigate to the printer profile that you would like to share.
- Press Open to set the profile in the AVA CMS Controller.
- In AVA select File Menu > New > Palette to create a new Palette.
- Go to AVA Menu > Inspectors > Overprint…
- Double click on the Palette Handler.
- From the drop down menu that appears, drag the AVA CMS Printer Profile option to your new Palette. This will create a Palette Button.
- Hold down ⌥ (option key) and the keyboard and click on the title of the Palette Button to open the setting window where you can rename it. We suggest using the printer and media type in its name, for example ‘Epson P400’.
If you would like to add more printer profiles to your Palette, go back in to AVA CMS Controller and set the chosen printer profile. Then repeat steps 5 - 8 above to add those printer profiles to the same Palette.
Save the Palette. You can then use the Palette yourself to quickly switch between different printer profiles by simply clicking on the relevant Palette Buttons, or share the Palette with colleagues via email or through AVA Productivity Manager.
The Movie
Available in AVA 5.9 - A new way to create Palettes
For more information on these changes please click here.
To share a printer profile in a Palette:
- Open the AVA CMS Controller.
- In the Profiles tab, click on the Output Profile button and navigate to the printer profile that you would like to share.
- Press Open to set the profile in the AVA CMS Controller.
- In AVA select File Menu > New > Palette to create a new Palette.
- In the Palette window search for CMS and drag the Printer Profile action into the Palette
- Control click on the action and rename as necessary