The Layout Window is a great tool for presenting ideas to customers, and it contains some great tools which enable you to be very creative with you layouts. Rotating objects can be a great way of creating interesting layouts, and there are several ways to do this!
It can also be a great way of using the full width of your media on a wide format printer. In the snapshot below, the 5th colour way has been rotated to fit dow the edge of the other 4 colourways, taking maximum advantage of the full width of the media in the printer.
Rotating a colourway object using a trackpad
- Activate the object by clicking on it with the Rotate Tool active. The object will display nodes around it:
- Rotate to object using two fingers.
Rotating a colourway object using a mouse or Wacom™ tablet
- Select the colourway, text or geometric shape using the Selected Tool.
- Open the Layout Inspector and click on the Size tab, represented by a Ruler icon.
- The Width and Height settings in this window display the size of the selected object. With your object active, you can use the Angle setting to rotate you object. Either choose to rotate freely using the disc, or enter a specific rotation angle in the dialog box.
Rotating an object using the Edit Menu
Colourway objects can be rotated by specific 90°, -180° and -90° from the Edit Menu.
- Activate the object you wish to rotate.
- Go to Edit Menu > Rotate and choose one of the preset rotation angles.