Tiling all your colourways, named colourways or separations in the Layout Window can be done at the touch of a button. Customise your toolbar and add the Tile icon shown above. When clicked, this button reveals a variety of tiling options.
You can open the Tile options from the Layout Menu, or by adding the function to the toolbar of the Layout Window and clicking on it. You must have an active colourway first. By this, we mean you need to have clicked on a colourways with the Origian Tool:
Once opened, Tile provides options on what to tile in the Layout Window.
Click on the dropdown menu beside the word Tile to reveal these options:
Tile All Colourways
This option will tile all of the colourways for the active design. If you make sure the colourway is the correct size, and has the necessary objects assigned to it such as the colourway name and number, and the colour palette, all of these will be tiled when selecting this option. Just make sure all the relative parts of the colourway are active prior to opening the Tile options.
Tile Named Colourways
This option will tile only the named colourways in your design. To name a colourway, activate it and type in the colourway name into the dialog box in the Layers Palette:
Tile Visible Layers
This option will tile all the layers which are visible in the active colourway at the time of opening the Tile options. You can use the eye icon in the Layers Palette to make all layers visible/invisible:
If you cannot see this icon in your Layers Palette, you need to open the Layer Palette Settings , click on the 'Show' tab, and tick Tools:
Tile Duplicate Objects
This is useful for tiling multiple copies of your colourway, as well as text and custom shapes. Tiling multiple copies of a colourway object can be very useful in cases when bulk production of say, cushion panels on a digital printer is required, for example. You can choose how many objects are to be placed across the page, and how many objects in total you need.
In the above snapshot, the design only has 6 colourways. When tiling duplicate objects, AVA will tile all available colourways, and then repeat colourway number 1 to fill the number of objects required. You can easily change the colourway number being viewed via the colourway number if you have it showing (Layout Menu > Make Number), or via the Layers Palette.
The same tiling method can be used to layout colour palettes.
Other settings in the Tile options
- Number Across - set the number of colourway objects you wish to display across the width of your page
- Total objects - sets the total number of colourway objects you need. In the example above, 5 objects are required across the page, and 15 objects in total. This will result in 3 rows of objects, as shown below
- Across Spacing - sets the space required between each object when placed side by side
- Down Spacing - sets the space required between each object when placed on top of each other
Automatically calculate how many colourways will fit across your page
Found alongside the Number Across setting in the Tile window is Auto Calculate. When this box is ticked, AVA will automatically calculate how many colourways will fit across your page. This is based on the size of an existing colourway.
- Add one colourway to your page and make sure it is activate (has circular nodes visible around its edges).
- Select Layout > Tile, or use the shortcut available in the toolbar. If it is not already there you can customise the toolbar and add it.
- Choose what to tile using the options already explained earlier in this article.
- Tick Auto Calculate.