Viewing colourways in repeat in the Layout Window

View multiple repeats in the Layout Window

Just like you can view designs in repeat in the Design Window, all designs and colourways can be viewed in repeat in the Layout Window as well. It can be very effective to view a colourway in different repeat set ups within the Layout Window. For example, you can display the design in a single repeat at 100% scale, but then display other colourways at 50% scale in multiple repeats.

  1. Go to View Menu > Repeat.
  2. Enter the number of repeats required across and down, and select the relevant drop and press ⮐ (return key) on your keyboard.

Each colourway of the selected design will be displayed with the chosen repeat set up. However if the colourway frame is not large enough to show more than one repeat, it will not look any different until the colourway frame itself is dragged bigger, or the design is zoomed smaller in the colourway.

Tip: If several designs are being viewed in the same Layout Window, you must highlight a colourway of the particular design before using the Repeat Window so that the software can identify the correct design to be changed. If several designs are to be set up in repeat, you must highlight one colourway of each design in turn and set up the repeats individually.

Note: A design cannot be viewed correctly in repeat in the Layout Window unless the repeat joins have previously been fixed in the Design Window. Refer to the Repeat Window article for more details on how to correct repeat joins.

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