Settings help you to customise your software. They are very powerful, and each user should take the time to look through them and set them up. These particular settings control how embedded files in Layout Windows are searched for when that page is being shared amongst colleagues and reopened on different computers to the one on which it was created.
Owning documents folder
The ‘owning document’ is the design to which the Layout Window belongs. Therefore, the ‘Owning documents folder’ is the folder from which that design was opened.
Once you have prepared your Layout Window, you can easily share it with colleagues. Simply put all the embedded designs (co-ordinates for example) into a folder, along with the owning document, and pass this folder to your colleague, perhaps via a network, or a file sharing website.
When the Layout Window is re-opened, AVA will search this folder for the embedded files if they cannot be found in the location they were originally embedded from. This will happen only if this option is checked in the recipients Layout Settings .
In folder
This is the second location that AVA will search for embedded files. This makes the sharing of templates within a design studio particularly easy.
It is common for companies to create Layout Templates with their logos embedded in to their layouts. If a logo, or any other file for that matter, is a common feature on your Layout Templates, you and your colleagues can keep a folder of these files stored locally on your hard drives, and tell AVA to search this folder for embedded files when the template is loaded into a new page.
To set a specific folder to be searched, drag and drop the folder which contains your logos from your Finder Window into the Layout Settings window, and check ‘In folder.’
Generate Percentages on Open
This works in conjunction with the Percentages Dynamic Text in the Layout Window. If this option is not ticked, you will need to open the Percentages Window and allow it to load before you can use the %%Percentages dynamic text. If you have this option ticked, the percentages are generated when the file is opened.
Use old Duplicate Method
In AVA 4.15 and newer, the Duplicate function remembers the placement of the duplicated object and applies this placement to any objects which are duplicated immediately afterwards. Using the ‘old’ method will always place duplicated objects on top of the original.
Set page to enclosed objects
These check boxes specify the size, in your chosen units, of border applied to the top, right, bottom and left of the page when the Set Page feature in the Layout Window is used.
In the example above, a 0.5 cm border will be added to the top, bottom, left and right sides of my layout window when I select Set Page in the Layout Window.