Share Settings : Speed up the installation of AVA

Ensure everyone is using the same settings in AVA

Sharing Settings will speed up the installation of AVA when installing on to multiple computers because it enables users to set up one AVA system, and then copy the Settings over to all other relevant computers, ensuring all systems are set up with the same settings.  If you are using Productivity Manager, you can save and load these Settings from one system to another as well. 

Saving AVA Settings

Click on the Local Disk tab at the top of the window.

  • Save Settings to Disk - automatically locates your AVA Settings and allows you to save them to a location of your choice.
  • Install Settings from Disk - automatically loads Settings which have been saved from another AVA system into the correct folder on your computer.

Note: Settings are pieces of information that you store persistently and use to configure your software. They are constantly being updated in the background as you use AVA, and therefore we advise you to quit AVA before you save and install Settings on any Mac® computer.

Tip: Set up your AVA Settings on one computer. Click Save Settings and save them on to a disk or network, then go to your other system running AVA, and click Install Settings and choose the file you just saved. This will automatically set the Settings from the other system, ensuring all your designers are using the same settings.

Saving Productivity Manager Settings

Save Settings from another system running AVA Productivity Manager, and load them to your computer, saving you time with the installation and set up of the application, and eliminating the chances of loading different settings.

Available now in AVA 5.9

Saving AVA settings

  • Save Settings - this can be useful to save your settings and share them with a colleague. Simply open AVA > Settings > Share and click Save Settings
  • Install Settings - Allows you to install settings into your AVA software - particularly useful if you want to have the same set up as a colleague
  • Reset Settings - This will reset all of your AVA Settings to factory defaults - meaning all of your existing setup will be removed. 

Warning: We strongly recommend saving a backup of your settings before resetting

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