Accessing Layout & Adding jobs
Layout can be launched from it's app icon in the PrintFactory app folder or dock, where a blank layout will open ready for jobs to be added.
To add a tiff file (other formats supported), click the tiny + button below the left hand empty jobs list.
To open an existing in the RIP queue into Layout, right click and select 'Layout Job'. Layout will open where the job can now be organised as required.
Step & Repeat Function
You can specify how much or how many of a single file you would like to print. The Textile Step and Repeat feature can be found in a Tab near the bottom right of the Layout window.
If you cannot see it, it can be turned on in Layout > Prefences > General.
Setting specific dimensions
For production runs or defined sample lengths, you can input the desired dimensions and Layout will tile the job:
- Click the 'Fill Area' radio button to select it.
- Enter across and down dimensions.
- Select the appropriate repeat style using one of the buttons. The visual will update.
- Add an appropriate drop if you selected a drop repeat option. A manual drop size can also be input if the division is not an exact fraction.
- The job is now tiled out as specified.
Adding cutter marks
Cutter marks for roll slitting devices such as Fotoba cutters can be added by accessing the 'Cutting' tab bottom right.
Options are for Fotoba and Flex cutter Mac®hines. Selecting either option will add marks to the visual.
Default presets for the chosen cutter type are displayed in a pop with option to create your own preset by clicking the '+'. Likewise, clicking '-' will delete the preset.
Adding a Label
Labels like headers and footers can be added to a print job. There are a host of pre-made options which outline job name, PMM etc and even include Certification strips. Bleed, borders and registration / crop marks can also be added here too.
PMM and REF ICC details
Before submitting a job, check you have the correct PMM and reference ICC profiles set for the job. This can be done at the top of the Layout window:
Click the Printer description to specify the Printer, Media, Mode and Variant you wish to use:
Click the reference profile name to bring up the list of all available profiles and choose the Interchange profile.
Sending to the RIP
With all settings correct, the job can be named accordingly and then click 'Submit' to send a job back to the RIP. This submits a new job and does not replace any previous jobs accessed via Layout.