Repeating vectors along path

How to repeat vectors

Repeat on Path is a powerful tool which allows selected vector objects to be stepped and repeated along a defined path.  

  1. Draw a vector line which will be the repeat path. 

  2. go to Vector Menu > Repeat on path > Define path. The path will be held in memory even if it is subsequently deleted.
  3. Drag the motif to be repeated to the start of the path. 

  4. Go to Vector Menu > Repeat on path > Repeat. The total length of the path is shown at the top of the window, and a suggested number of repeats is given along with the resulting distance between each repeat. Change the number of repeats, if necessary. 

  5. Click on Adjust Orientation to Path if you want the motif to turn in relation to the path as it is repeated along it. The selected object will be stepped along the defined path as many times as specified. 

  6. If the resulting repeat does not look as you wanted, undo the repeat (⌘Z) and follow the method again, altering the original position of the motif or the measurements entered in the repeat window. 
  7. Remove the ‘path’ vector if necessary, and view the vectors as filled if desired.

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