Creating a plank layout

Creating a typical design layout for woodgrains and textures

Putting a woodgrain design into a plank layout is an important stage in the surfaces development process and is incredibly simple in AVA. You can create a standard layout file to use repeatedly with multiple designs.

Creating a new plank layout

  1. Create a new file, we recommend 48 x 12 inches 
  2. Go to View Menu > Grid. Configure the grid to show 4x4 inches with Snap to on.
  3. Open your design file and make a selection of 48x4inch
  4. Go to Edit Menu > Copy 
  5. Return to your plank layout and go to Edit Menu > Paste
  6. Click on Set Repeat in the toolbar (or go to View Menu > Set Repeat). Configure it to 2x2 with your preferred drop
  7. Return to your design file and take another 48x4in section
  8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 above
  9. Use a selection tool to move your plank down one row, and across 4 squares

  10. Repeat the above steps for the final plank, moving it 4 further squares along. 

Note: The reason we use the grid in snap mode is so that it is easy to move the planks around without causing any small gaps, they will automatically stick to the grid lines.

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