Preguntas frecuentes: colorear

¿Cómo evito que AVA Colourfile se abra cada vez que inicio AVA ?

En el Finder, vaya a Usuario doméstico > Biblioteca > Soporte de aplicaciones > AVA > Elementos de inicio y arrastre el archivo de color fuera de esta carpeta.


¿Puedo utilizar colores PANTONE®®® en AVA ?

Sí. Las licencias PANTONE®®® se pueden comprar en AVA Sales for Fashion / Home y PANTONE®® Plus Collections. Comuníquese con Ventas AVA para obtener más detalles.


¿Cómo puedo crear combinaciones de colores automáticamente?

AVA puede producir combinaciones de colores automáticas utilizando la función Inspire . Le permite producir combinaciones de colores nuevas y equilibradas basadas en una combinación de colores inspiradora de su elección, así como de forma aleatoria a partir de un archivo de color elegido. Con la capacidad adicional de alterar el tono, la saturación y la luminosidad de las combinaciones de colores producidas, se trata de un flujo de trabajo extremadamente potente y rápido.

También puedes utilizar la función Crear permutaciones de combinación de colores.


¿Las combinaciones de colores tienen que ser cuadradas o rectangulares?

How to create custom shaped colourways in the Layout Window Add interest to presentations by changing the shape of your designs using a mask ...

Add interest to presentations by changing the shape of your designs using a mask layer. Instead of standard rectangular colourways, you can display garment shapes, custom edges, die cut designs or any other motifs. 

If you have partial images saved as .ava4 files, these already contain alpha masks and can be dragged directly from the Finder onto your Layout Window, making the creation of advanced layouts speedy and fun.

A key advantage of this feature is the ability to display colourways on top of each other, as if they are overlapping.

Masks can be tonal or solid using 1 bit or 8 bit layers. Solid 1bit masks are ideal cut outs for special shaped images, such as die cut wallpaper borders. Tonal 8 bit masks, such as textures or vignettes, can be used to create transparent feathered effects which can add softness to the presentation.

With a tonal mask, wherever solid colour is used, the design is displayed at full strength.

As the tones on the mask get lighter, the design softens and gets lighter. Try playing around with a tonal mask to see what effects you can create.

Creating a custom shaped colourway

  1. Open a document to be put in to repeat and drag a crop box over a single repeat of the design. Try to be as accurate as possible.
  2. Either draw the mask that you wish to use (such as a garment shape) on the new layer, or copy and paste a shape from another file to the mask layer.

Note: The mask information should fill the whole area which needs to be seen in the Layout Page. It cannot just be an outline of the shape needed, otherwise only an outline of the design will be displayed on the Layout page. Also, make sure your mask area is smaller than one repeat of the design, otherwise it will flood the colourway and will not be displayed properly.

  1. In the Layers Palette, double click on the text next to the new layer. Name the new layer ‘QC Mask’. The name must be entered exactly like this, with the Q, C and M in upper case and the rest in lower case.
  2. Open the Layout Window and add a new colourway to the page.
  3. Make the QC Mask layer invisible and all design layers visible. A cut out effect is created around the mask, so that the design is only displayed where there is information painted on the mask layer.
  4. To add more colourways with the same mask effect, go to Colourway Menu > Duplicate. To make the most of the mask effect, remove the palette and colourway number from your colourways and set the colourway frames to 0.

Tip: Additional details, such as garment stitching, pleats or buttons and so on, can be added over the masked area by adding another layer and drawing the details on it. The same idea can be used to add shading or depth to the masked shape by adding a tonal layer which contains appropriate tonal details on top of the design.

All kinds of effects can be created using the QC Mask layer and additional layers on top. Edge effects such as frayed or pinked edges or soft feathered edges can all be achieved with the right type of mask. We also recommend using experimenting with the different tracking options on the freehand filled tool for adding interesting edges to the mask.

The Movie


¿Cómo puedo agregar una paleta de colores a mi combinación de colores en la ventana de diseño?

Para agregar una paleta de colores a su combinación de colores en la ventana Diseño, haga clic en la combinación de colores para activarla y luego seleccione Crear paleta en el menú Diseño.


¿Puedo crear fichas de color con formas personalizadas en la ventana de diseño?

How to create your own colour chips in the Layout Window Using the Tools Palette in the Layout Window, you can create your own custom colo...

Using the Tools Palette in the Layout Window, you can create your own custom colour chips which can be used in addition to, or instead of the standard colourway palette.

  1. Select one of the Shape Tools in the Layout Tools Palette.
  2. Draw a colour chip by clicking and dragging a box to the desired size on the layout. The colour of the chip will default to red but this can be changed later.

If a specific size is required, click on the colour chip and click on the Size button in the toolbar, type in the dimensions and click OK.

If a perfect circle or square is desired, hold down the shift key whilst drawing the shape.
If you wish to resize the shape proportionally, you can select the shape by clicking on it, then holding down the option key and dragging the shape accordingly.

To make more interesting colour chips, try using a combination of overlaying circles or rectangles to give the impression of depth.

  1. Select the main colour chip object (which will display your actual colour) and go to Layout Menu > Text > Colour Name.

An associated text box will be added to the top of the shape with the name of the current colour. As the text is an associated object, it will be connected to the colour chip no matter where it is positioned, so you can move the text above, below, beside or anywhere around the chip and it will remain grouped with it.

  1. Drag and drop any colour on to the chip and both the colour chip and colour name will instantly update. Colours can be dragged from colour files, the Layers Palette, Swatches, or from another graphic shape. All colour chips created in this way are soft proofed and colour matched like all other colours in AVA and ColourSys.

Creating more chips in the same style

  1. Select the colour chip and all of its associated parts and then do one of the following:
    • Go to Edit Menu > Duplicate or click on the Duplicate button in the toolbar to create a second identical chip. Repeat this step as many times as you need to create the required number of chips
    • Go to Layout Menu > Tile. Select the ‘Duplicate objects’ option from the pop up bar and enter the desired number of chips, the number across and the spacing, then click OK. The selected number of chips will tile out across the page
  2. Drag the colours you wish to display on to the chips from your layers, the Swatches Palette, or a ColourSys colour file. The chips and their names will update automatically. If the colour was selected from a picker wheel, the word ‘picker’ will be used.
  3. If another set of identical chips are needed (perhaps for another page), simply Select All the chips, duplicate them, move them to the new position and then drag the new colours on to each chip.
  4. If applicable, save the layout as a Template for use in other files in the future.


¿Puedo evitar que algunas capas se muestren en la paleta de colores de la ventana de diseño?

A veces es necesario evitar que algunas capas se muestren en la paleta de colores de la Ventana de Diseño. Por ejemplo, cuando muestra una escena de mapeo de texturas, es posible que desee mostrar los bloques de color de su combinación de colores, pero evitar que se muestren las capas de la cuadrícula.

Si importa escaneos de Cruse® o Metis, es posible que desee mostrar los bloques de color de la combinación de colores, mientras oculta los mapas de altura y las capas de brillo.

Esto es muy fácil de hacer. Simplemente cambie el nombre de la capa '%%qcpalettehide' en la Paleta de capas.


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