Setting up your AVA key

AVA Keying utility and Cloud keys

The AVA Keying Utility is the application used to setup your AVA license. This can be found in: Applications/AVA 5.n/AVA Utilities/AVA Keying Utility

AVA Cloud Keys are our new, secure, highly flexible virtual keying system, which allow users the ease of swapping working location and machine at the click of a button.  

Cloud Key Setup

1. Launch the AVA Keying Utility, the following window will then open: 

2. Click the button, Add Cloud key, you will get the following dialogue.

3. Type a name that tells you what software modules are included with the code you are settings or you could put in the name of the user.

4. Paste in the Cloud code that you wish to use on this system, see example below. The codes should of been e-mailed to your administrator, if not you can request them from the AVA Customer Services team.

5. Click Add, You should see a green dot next to the name indicating that this key is active, see example below. If you have used other cloud codes you may need to click Activate.

6, Click Close, you will now see that the padlock is unlocked and the cloud icon shown on the padlock.

You can then close application. Your Cloud license code will now be set and you should be able to launch the AVA software as normal.


You can setup multiple Cloud licenses

This enables users to swop between the different Cloud licences you might have, without the need to find codes and paste them in each time.

 To do this:

1. Quit all AVA applications.

2. Launch the AVA Keying Utility application.

3. Click on ‘Manage Cloud Keys’.

4. Click on the ‘+’ to add another key, then type in an appropriate name and paste in the next code and click Add.  You will now see two names, see example below.

5. To Activate the other code simply click the Activate button and the green dot will swop showing you which code is active.

You can Edit the keys using the Pencil icon or remove them with the minus button.  You can add as many code as you have, but if the code is only licenced for one user the AVA software can only be used on one system at a time - your administrator will need to ensure users are not activating the same codes on different systems at the same time.

Cloud key FAQs 

The answer to our most frequently asked questions about Cloud Keys can be found here‍. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly Technical Support Team

Legacy Key set up


1. Launch the AVA Keying Utility, the following window will then open: 

2. Click the button, Use Legacy Key.

3. Click Retrieve Code, you should then get a message saying "Congratulations, your new code has been entered.", press OK.

4. Click Set and close the application.

Your license code will now be set and you should be able to launch the AVA software as normal.


If you don't have an internet connection.

Setting the code automatically requires an internet connection, If you do not have an internet connect on some systems running AVA you can request the code from our Customer servers team, then paste in the code instead of clicking Retrieve Code.


id key

1. Launch the AVA Keying Utility, the following window will then open:

2. Click the button, Use Legacy Key.

3. Type in your ID, see example below.  Your ID code should of been e-mailed to your administrator, if not you can request them from the AVA Customer Services team,  

Please note,  The code will always start 'id:' there should be no spaces.

4. Click Set and close the application.

Your license code will now be set and you should be able to launch the AVA software as normal.


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