Изменение источника частичного изображения

The Origin Tool: Change the origin of a layer or Partial Image This tool lets you to move the origin of a layer by changing the location of its ...

This tool lets you to move the origin of a layer by changing the location of its top left pixel. You can change the origin of entire layers or Partial Images. The tool automatically selects the layer you click on, allowing you to simply click on a motif and drag it to change its origin. This tool is particularly handy when used in combination with the image layering functions, where a number of Partial Images can be built up to create complex designs. 


Note: If the following methods do not appear to work with your particular design, you may find it helps to read the article on Partial Images. It is important to understand the differences between images, layers and Partial Images in order to get the most out of this tool.

Changing the origin of a layer

  1. Select the origin tool in the Tools Palette or press Z on the keyboard.
  2. Click on a motif in the Design Window. The relevant layer will automatically be activated in the Layers Palette.
  3. Click and drag the motif to automatically change its origin point. You will see the layer information move as you drag.

You can select more than one layer if you hold down ⇧ (shift key) whilst clicking on the layers which you wish to set a new origin for. This lets you move the origin of all selected layers at the same time.


Note: If, when you try to drag a motif, a message appears telling you that the origin is locked and can’t be moved, it is possible to unlock the origin which will then allow it to be moved.

When working with ordinary spot layers, you will find that once unlocked, when you click on them with the origin tool, they activate in layer order. In other words, you will find that layers further down the layer list appear to block access to layers higher up the list. To avoid this problem, make other layers invisible so that they do not impact on the layer you want to move.

Locking and unlocking the origin of a layer

When you create new layers or images, their origins are automatically locked by default. When creating Partial Images their origins are unlocked by default.

Locking the origin of a layer will prevent you from moving it accidentally when working with multiple layers in your design. Unlocking a layer origin will allow you to move a previously locked layer.

Activate the relevant layer to be locked or unlocked, hold down ^ (control key) and click on the layer information in the design window. A contextual menu will appear giving you one of the following options (depending on its current status): 

Nudging the origin of a layer

  1. Activate the layer you wish to change the origin of.
  2. Select the Origin Tool from the Tools Palette.
  3. Ensure the layer origin is not locked.  To do this, hold down ^ (control key) and click in the design.  If you see the option to 'Unlock Origin... ', select it.
  4. Press one of the arrow keys on the keyboard to start nudging the origin of the selected layer until you are satisfied with its new position.

Setting a specific design origin

  1. Activate the layer you wish to change the origin of and ensure its origin is not locked.
  2. Double click on the Origin Tool in the Tools Palette and a sheet will open;

    Alternatively, hold down ^ (control key) and click in the design itself and the option 'Set Origin…' will appear.

  3. Set the new origin position. There are two options to coordinate the new origin position:
    • Absolute - the top left corner of the design is the absolute origin and the new origin will be placed at the chosen point. For example - the absolute origin is always 0x0 mm, so if the amount you enter is 20×20 mm, the new origin will be 20×20 mm.
    • Relative - the origin will be set from the horizontal and vertical values of the current origin and will move by the amount chosen. For example - if the origin is currently placed at 10×10 mm and you enter 20×20 mm, the new origin will be 30×30 mm.
  4. Once you are satisfied with the new position of the origin, lock the origin to avoid any involuntary changes. 

Note: Layer origins can also be set by holding ^ (control key) and clicking on the design to access the contextual menu and choosing 'Set Origin…'

Clearing the origin of a layer

If you wish to reset the origin of your layer or motif, activate the relevant layer, hold down ^ (control key) and click on the appropriate layer information in the design. A contextual menu will appear giving you the option to clear origin. Select this option and the layer will revert to its original position.

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