Oval Selection Tool: Drawing oval and circular selections

Drawing oval and circular selections

Oval selections are very useful for selection motifs and knots within woodgrain designs. These can be drawn by changing the mode of the Rectangular Selection Tool. 

  1. Make sure the tool is set to oval mode in the Tools Palette by clicking and holding on it and selecting the Oval option in the tool list.

    1632913437867-Rectangle selection c.png
  2. Drag the oval selection tool and an oval shape will be created.

Creating circular selections

  1. Make sure the tool is set to oval mode in the Tools Palette.
  2. Drag the cursor tool whilst holding down  (shift key) to constrain the selection to a perfect circle.

Adding a selection to the Brushes

Selections can be automatically added to the Brushes Window. Simply activate one of the select tools (Rectangular Selection Tool, Lasso Tool or the Magic Wand Tool) and create your selection, then click ^ (control key) and choose Add to Brushes.

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