The Weave Library stores frequently used weave structures, to avoid having to enter them manually every time you want to use a structure in a weave design. These can then be shared with colleagues.
The first time you open the weave library, it will be empty. This allows you to either load an existing weave library into the software, or create your own custom library of weaves. Every subsequent time the software is launched, the weave library will reopen containing all new weaves which were added last time it was used.
Adding weave structures
New weaves are created in the Pegplan and copied into the Library. Weaves which are stored in the Library can be edited and deleted if required.
- Go to File Menu > New and enter the dimensions needed for the structure.
- Go to Window Menu > Weave > Pegplan or click on the Pegplan button in the Tool bar.
- Go to Weave Menu > Shafts and enter the number of shafts needed for the pattern repeat to be added to the Library. For example, if the structure you are creating repeats on 12 ends, type 12 in the box. The Pegplan will now display 12 squares across.
- Select the Pencil tool from the Tools Palette and draw the structure of the new weave in the point paper area of the Pegplan.
- Select the whole area with the Selection tool. Ensure you have selected the correct repeat unit you require, such as 8 ends by 8 picks, or 12 ends by 12 picks, and so on.
- Go to Edit Menu > Copy.
- Click on the Action menu at the top, right of the Weave Library and select Paste from the menu that appears.
- A new weave will be added to the bottom of the Library. Click on it and enter a weave name.
- Repeat these steps to add other weave structures to the Weave Library.
Adding a blank weave
When creating new designs, the default weave used is plain weave. It can be distracting trying to create a new weave in the pegplan when it is covered with plain weave. Therefore, it may be useful to create a blank weave, store it in the weave library and use it to replace the default plain weave, making it simpler to enter a new pegplan.
- Create a new design and open the Pegplan Window.
- Set the number of shafts required for the blank weave (set the number you will use most often when creating new designs).
- Remove the plain weave structure from the first few picks of the pegplan by clicking on all the black squares to turn them white, or vice versa. Continue until you have a large enough blank area in the Pegplan.
- Select the blank area with the Selection tool and go to Edit Menu > Copy.
- Choose Paste from the Action menu in the Weave Library, click on the new weave and name it by clicking in the name field.
- From now on, when creating new files, go to Edit Menu > Select > All in the Pegplan, make sure the blank weave is selected in the Library and click on the Fill tool. The whole design will be filled with the blank weave and you can start entering the new structure more easily.
Nudging weaves
Weaves can be nudged in the Weave Library so that their repeat origin is changed. Click on the weave in the Weave Library and then click on the enlarged view of the weave at the bottom of the window. Then use the arrow keys to change its origin.
Several copies of the same weave can be added to the Weave Library and each one can be nudged so it starts on a different pick. This way you do not need to continually edit your Weave Library of weaves because you can store several of each type.
Deleting weave structures
Click on a weave in the library which is no longer needed and select Remove from the Action menu in the Library.
DeleteViewing weave structures
Weaves can be viewed in two ways once they are stored in the library:
- Thumbnail view - displays weaves as a palette. A small picture of each weave is shown to give an overview of the library contents. A large picture of the selected weave is shown at the bottom of the window.
- List view - displays weaves as an index. The weave names and repeat sizes are listed, while a large picture of the selected weave is shown at the bottom of the window.
To change views, click on the relevant display button at the top of the Weave Library.
Weaves can be sorted within the library by selecting Sort by Name or Sort by Size in the Action menu. Sort by Name sorts the weaves Alphabetically, while Sort by Size sorts the weaves by total pixel size (total number of pixels in the single repeat unit).