Filled | Outlined Polygon Tool: Drawing polygon shapes

Creating filled and outlined polygons

AVA offers a range of shape tools which are used to create a variety of different filled and outline shapes. They are split into two sections, the first set create solid, filled shapes and the second set, accessed through clicking and holding down on the respective tool, create outline shapes.


Tip: By default, both the filled and outline shapes are visible to the user in the Tools Palette. However, you can hide the set you use least often inthe Tools Settings . Doing this reduces the size of the Tools Palette.

The Filled Polygon Tool

Draws solid angular shapes. Click on the Filled Polygon Tool in the Tools Palette to select the tool. Click down on the design and click a series of points to make your polygon shape. Each point will be connected to the next with a straight line.

Finish the line by double clicking the last point and the shape you have created will be filled with colour.

The Outlined Polygon Tool

Draws angular outlines. Click on the Outline Polygon tool in the Tools Palette. Click down on the design and click a series of points to make your polygon shape. Each point will be connected to the next with a straight line. Finish the line by double clicking the last point and the line will be rendered with the selected brush from the Brushes Library.

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