AVA offers a range of shape tools which are used to create a variety of different filled and outline shapes. They are split into two sections, the first set create solid, filled shapes and the second set, accessed through clicking and holding down on the respective tool, create outline shapes.
The Filled Freehand Tool
This tool draws freehand and organic shapes and is particularly useful when drawing masked areas on designs. Click on the Filled Freedrawn Shape Tool in the Tools Palette or press the F key on the keyboard to automatically select this tool. When you finish drawing your shape, the start and end points of the shape will automatically be connected with a straight line and the inside of the shape will be filled with colour. If you want your shape to be continuous and not have a straight line section connecting the start and end, you will need to draw your line so that it finishes in the same place that it began.
When you select this tool, a settings window opens. The tracking can be adjusted to help create interesting edges to your drawn shapes. The snapshots below give an indication as to how each effect looks, but why not play around with different Amplitude and Spacing settings. You will be amazed at the effects you can create.
Using the Shape Tracking settings with the Filled Freedrawn Shape Tool
- Sine - from the word sinusoidal, meaning random and sinew like. This setting provides effects like the one shown below. We recommend you experiment with the amplitude and spacing settings to see what effects you can achieve.
- Square - gives a squared appearance to the edge of the shape
- Triangle - gives a triangular appearance to the edge of the selection
- Spring - creates a spring-like affect selection
- Random - creates a random shaped edge to your selection
The Outline Freehand Tool
Draws freehand and irregular outlines. Click and hold on the Filled Freedrawn Shape Tool to open its options and select Outlined Freedrawn Shape Tool. As you draw, the line created will be rendered with the selected brush from the Brushes Library. If you have a different brush selected to the one you want to use, simply undo the drawn line (⌘Z) and select the correct brush from the Brushes Library before redrawing the shape.