Storing colours within the design

When a colour is selected and saved in a design, it stores various bits of colour information with it. Each colour in AVA is stored with its colour file name, XYZ and RGB values. This makes colour matching and colour retrieval easier because the software has more information to work from to find the colour.

If colour matching is switched off by setting your Overprint Method to RGB mode in the Overprint Settings , RGB values are used instead of XYZ values and the colours will not be as accurate.

When working with several colour files in AVA and ColourSys, the software always tries to keep colour information up to date. This also applies when two or more colour files being used contain a colour which has the same name but may actually be a different colour. The normal action is for the software to always update the colour when switching between the colour files, which in this instance would result in the wrong colour being displayed in the design. 

To avoid this problem, you can switch off the colour file update action. Do this by holding down ^ (control key) on the keyboard and clicking on a colour chip. A contextual menu will appear allowing you to untick the colour file updates option.

Chips that have been set not to update display a warning symbol in the Layers Palette when 'Gamut Warnings on Colour Blocks' is selected in the Warnings Inspector.

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