Copy and pasting motifs

Copying information to use in other places

Copy and paste functions are very versatile and extremely useful when editing designs. Selected areas can be copied and pasted within the same design or to other designs. If the design has been separated into layers, all of the active layers can be copied and pasted in the same way as the image.

The basics

  1. Activate the image or layers you want to copy from.
  2. Make a selection of the area you want to copy using any of the selection tools (Lasso Tool, Rectangular Selection Tool, Magic Wand Tool or the Polygon Selection Tool).
  3. Select Copy from the Edit Menu, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ C.
  4. Select Paste from the Edit Menu, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ V.  An exact copy of the selected information will appear on top of the original.
  5. Click inside the selected area with a selection tool and drag the selection to a new position.


Tip: Hold down ⇧ (shift key) while dragging the selected motif to constrain its movement to either horizontal, vertical or diagonal paths.

  1. Deselect to fix it in place.

    When multiple copies of the same motif are needed, there is no need to choose Edit Menu > Copy (⌘ C) more than once as the selected item is remembered (in the clipboard) until you copy something else. Therefore, once the motif has initially been copied, simply choose Edit Menu > Paste (⌘ V), as many times as necessary. 

    Sometimes if you have selected a motif in a hurry, the copied and pasted information may be too big and contain some unwanted information. If this is the case, rather than removing the new motif and starting again, simply select the Lasso Tool or the Magic Wand Tool, hold down ⌘ (command key) and carefully remove the unwanted information. Alternatively, set the relevant selection tool to minus mode. As the information is currently floating over the rest of the design, it will be removed automatically, leaving you with a much cleaner, tidier shape.


Note: Using Copy and Paste will always place the additional copy of the selected information on the active image or layers. It will not create a new image or layers automatically. If you wish to place the new information on a new image or layers, you will need to use Partial Images by choosing Paste as Layer fro the Edit Menu, instead of Paste. For more details on this alternative method of working with your design, refer to the Partial Images article.


This is a quick way of copying a motif which eliminates the need to choose Edit Menu > Copy (⌘ C) and Edit Menu > Paste (⌘ V).

  1. Select one of the Selection Tools in the Tools Palette. 
  2. Select the area you want to duplicate.
  3. Hold down ⌥ (option key) on the keyboard, click inside the selected area and drag to a new position. A copy of the selected information will automatically be created.
  4. Move the area again if necessary and click down outside the area to fix it.

If you want to create another copy of the object do not deselect it. Hold down ⌥ (option key) again and drag away once more. Another copy will be created, which can then be moved or edited further.

Copying from one design to another

It is possible to copy an area from one design to another. Both designs need to be open and the same number and type of layers must be active in each file.

  1. Activate the layers or image in the source design.
  2. Select a motif with any of the selection tools.
  3. Go to Edit Menu > Copy (⌘ C).
  4. Click on the destination design to activate it.
  5. Ensure that the same number and type of layers or images are active. If not, add the appropriate layers or images to the file and activate them.
  6. Go to Edit Menu > Paste (⌘ V).
  7. Drag the selected motif to a new position and click away from it to fix it in place.


Note: The source and destination designs require the same resolution and bit depth for the copied motifs to remain the same size and quality in both files.

Creating a new file by copying from the clipboard

You can create brand new files straight from items copied to the systems clipboard. This function works with many third party applications and is a quick way to open copied source information for motifs and similar images into AVA.

Simply copy a selection from another file, or perhaps an image from a web browser, then in AVA choose File Menu > New from Clipboard. The copied information will open straight into AVA as a new document.

You can also take screenshots within any application and apply them to the system clipboard by holding down the key combination ⌘ ⇧ 4 to change the cursor to target, and before taking the picture press ^ (control key). Drag over the required area to take the snapshot. In AVA choose File Menu > New from Clipboard and the screenshot will open into AVA as a new document.


Note: Files created in this way will open at 72dpi and higher resolution files will physically enlarge when you paste into them. To learn how to change the resolution, click here.

Pasting Into and Pasting Behind

Paste Into and Paste Behind allow selected areas of designs to be pasted into specific areas of other designs. This is useful for mocking up designs on garment shapes or pasting textures around motifs.

This method works on both images and layers, but make sure you use either images or layers. Do not attempt to copy a layer on to an image or vice versa as this will not work due to the different bit depths.

  1. Open two designs with the same resolution, such as a texture and a motif layout.

  2. Activate the texture design and choose Edit > Select All.
  3. Choose Edit Menu > Copy (⌘ C).
  4. Activate the motif layout design and select the area where the texture is to be added (such as a plain background area).

  5. Ensure the same number and type of layers are active in the motif file and choose Edit Menu > Paste Into. The texture design will appear on the second design in the selected areas only.

With certain designs it is easier to select the areas where the texture is not wanted. In this situation, you should make the selection and choose Edit Menu > Paste Behind instead. The texture will still appear in the correct place because it is being pasted everywhere except the selected area.

Repositioning a pasted texture

Paste Into and Paste Behind work by pasting the first pixel of the source design into the first pixel of the selection in the destination design. The remainder of the selection is filled with the rest of the source design. However, if the source file is larger than the destination selection, you may want to see a different part of the source design in the selected area. It is therefore possible to move the source design once you have pasted into or behind the selection.

  1. Follow the method for Pasting Into and keep the pasted texture active and selected.
  2. Choose one of the selection tools and position the cursor inside the design.
  3. Click and hold down the cursor and drag the design to the desired position. You will see the texture move around within the selected area as you drag. 

Stepping up a pasted texture

If you have only copied and pasted a small piece of your texture design into the selected area of the destination design, it may not fill the area completely. To fill the selected area you may need to step out and repeat the pasted section. Refer to the Step and Repeat article to learn more.

  1. Follow the method for Pasting Into and keep the pasted texture active and selected.
  2. Go to Edit Menu > Step & Repeat.
  3. Enter the number of repeats required across and down and click OK.
  4. The texture will step out to fill the selected design area. 


Note: If you are stepping up a texture with any repeat drop other than a straight repeat, make sure you enter From -1 Down in the relevant field. This will prevent any white gaps from appearing on the design.

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