Copying and pasting colourways between designs

All of the colourways saved with a particular design can be copied and pasted to another design at once. This can be extremely helpful if, for example, you want to copy a complete range of colourways to a co-ordinating design.

  1. View your design in the Layout window and make sure all the layers are visible and active.
  2. Highlight all the colour chips on the colourway.
  3. Go to Colourway Menu > Copy All Colourways.
  4. Open the design you wish to copy the colours to and open its Layout Window.
  5. Make all the layers visible and active.
  6. Highlight all the colour chips on the colourway.
  7. Go to Colourway Menu > Paste All Colourways.

Every colourway that you created in the original design will be transferred to the second design.


Note: If there are already any colourways in the destination file when you choose Paste All Colourways, they will be over written by the copied colourways.

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