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Creating colourways in the Design Window is quick and easy, using the colourway tools in the Layers Palette. Adding a...
August 20th, 2021 134 views 0 likes
Although you can add colourways to your design in the Design Window, there are many benefits to creating your colourways...
April 29th, 2021 601 views 0 likes
Colourways can be duplicated and deleted from a document very easily. How you do it is a personal preference. Duplicating...
April 29th, 2021 129 views 0 likes
Being able to add a name or title to your colourways is particularly useful to all those people in the...
April 29th, 2021 155 views 0 likes
A very useful but inconspicuous window, the Swatches Palette can be accessed via the Layers Palette. It is designed to...
March 1st, 2021 1252 views 0 likes
It is possible to save colourways to a special file format called “.cway”. This is particularly useful as it allows...
April 29th, 2021 141 views 0 likes
All of the colourways saved with a particular design can be copied and pasted to another design at once. This...
August 20th, 2021 123 views 0 likes
Make Colourways lets you add as many colourways to your design as you like. You can determine whether these new...
March 1st, 2021 490 views 0 likes
The Colourway Chooser is a nice way of scrolling through, duplicating and deleting colourways from a design and can be...
August 3rd, 2021 1105 views 0 likes
This is a floating window which displays all colourways within the active design as a series of colour chips, side-by-side....
April 29th, 2021 927 views 0 likes
There are a number of ways to automatically create colourways in AVA. These functions quickly inspire colourists, and often provide...
April 29th, 2021 443 views 0 likes
Colourways can be automatically created using the Inspire feature located in the toolbar of the Layout Window. This is an...
July 22nd, 2021 674 views 0 likes
Protect your colourways from being edited or removed from the file by clicking the Lock icon at the top of...
April 29th, 2021 130 views 0 likes
You can swap two colours within the same colourway using the Swap Colourways feature. This will simply switch the two...
April 29th, 2021 124 views 0 likes
This feature creates a series of colourways in the same file based on a library of production profiles for RGB,...
It is now possible to use AI to create new colourways from a text description. This is using an AI...
November 22nd, 2024 93 views 0 likes
It is now possible to create colourways based on inspiration files. This tool will use AI to pick the...
November 22nd, 2024 94 views 0 likes
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