Loading profiles as colourways

Creating colourways based on a library of production profiles

This feature creates a series of colourways in the same file based on a library of production profiles for RGB, CMYK or N-Channel layers. This feature helps you identify the most appropriate profile as you can judge each colourway with their embedded profile instead of embedding each profile one by one. You can also split the image into its channels using the Layers to… function in the Separate Menu.

To access this feature, hold down the control key and click on the profile icon in the Layers Palette:

This will reveal a contextual menu from which you can select Load Profiles as Colourways...

A Finder Window will open. Navigate to the folder containing your profiles, and click OK.

New colourways will be created with the selected profiles automatically embedded onto the images. The number of colourways created depends on the number of profiles contained in the selected folder.

You can now review each colourway and delete any unsatisfactory results. Using the Tile feature in the Layout Window is an easy way of doing this, as it lets you display all colourways side by side.

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