Colourway Permutations: Automatic creation of colourways

Create colourways based on all possible colour combinations from the active layers

There are a number of ways to automatically create colourways in AVA. These functions quickly inspire colourists, and often provide a platform for which further colour adjustments can be made. Make Colourway Permutations is a very quick way of creating colourways based on all possible colour combinations from the colours in the active layers.

Alongside Inspire and Make Colourways, this is a great feature for kick starting colour work. The maximum number of colours from which permutations can be created is 6, which creates 719 colourways. From 5 colours it creates 119 colourways, and from 4 colours in creates 23 new colourways.

To create permutations, activate up to 6 layers in the Layers Palette.

Go to the Colourway Menu and select Make Colourway Permutations. The following advisory window will open:

If you have added a low number of permutations to your colourway, use the Colourway Chooser to browse these. If you have added a high number of permutations, use the Colourway Browser to scroll through these.

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